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@LSYS LSYS released this 24 Dec 07:49
· 2 commits to main since this release

What's Changed

  • Add axis object as argument to forest plot by @juancq in #73
  • Warn about duplicated varlabel (closes #76, closes #81).
  • Add test that above warning works.
  • Add known issues about duplicated varlabel (closes #76, closes #81) and PyCharm (closes #80).

New Contributors


forestplot is a Python package to make publication-ready but customizable coefficient plots.

To install via PyPI:

pip install forestplot


import forestplot as fp
df = fp.load_data("sleep")  # companion example data

fp.forestplot(df,  # the dataframe with results data
              estimate="r",  # col containing estimated effect size 
              ll="ll", hl="hl",  # columns containing conf. int. lower and higher limits
              varlabel="label",  # column containing variable label
              ylabel="Confidence interval",  # y-label title
              xlabel="Pearson correlation"  # x-label title


Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3