Accessing the servlerless relational database SQLite with Java and JDBC
This example shows how to connect to a SQlite DBMS in Java using the JDBC libraries and drivers. This serverless database stores data in a single user-defined file, and its engine is completely embedded in your application, so it does not require a separate installation. The example shows how to submit different supported SQL statements to SQLite, with and without transaction support.
This is a sample application developed during the lectures of the Laboratorio di Basi di Dati course. The code is organized to best match the lecture topics and examples. It is not intended for production use and is not optimized in any way.
This example code will be shown and described approximately during the 22nd lecture of the course, so wait to download it, since it may get updated in the meanwhile.
This is a Maven-based project. Simply download the code and open it in any Maven-enabled IDE such as Netbeans or Eclipse. The application is able to create and populate/reset the database before running the example queries. The creation and population scripts are in the resources folder. The main application class contains three boolean switches that can be used to control this behaviour.