This Flutter app was my team named 'Adbhut', final project for GDSC 2024's Solutions Challenge. Its main feature is a tensorflow model which detects which disease a crop has based on its affected leaves. It has Firebase connectivity and uses Firestore Database for storing user and disease information.
Follow the setup guide in flutter's documentation here. Android Studio or VS Code are the preferred environment.
Also make sure that flutter sdk is installed and in your $PATH.
Download the project
git clone
Inside of the project directory run below command in terminal
flutter pub get
First go to and create a new project. Make sure its in testing mode. Now you would be needing Authentication and Firestore Database.
After adding a new project download Firebase tools in your cli and login.
Using flutterfire generate your own configure file for the new project created in console.firebase with your private apis and keys.
Then to run the project (in android emulator)
flutter run
Note: Since its an andorid application the test build can also run in physical devices with enabled devloper settings and usb debugging 'on'.