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LanikSJ edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 44 revisions

This page lists the programs/dependencies Neofetch needs to run.

NOTE: Neofetch only requires BASH, the rest of the dependencies are entirely optional and only enable additional features and functionality.

Table of Contents

Required dependencies:

  • bash 3.2+
    • Alpine Linux: You also need ncurses.

Image mode dependencies:

These dependencies are required for image mode to work.

  • Displaying images:
    • w3m-img [1]
    • iTerm2 [2]
    • Terminology [2]
    • kitty [2]
    • libsixel
    • termpix
    • pixterm
    • catimg
    • jp2a
    • caca-utils or libcaca.
  • Thumbnail creation: imagemagick
  • Window size: A terminal emulator that supports \033[14t [3] or xdotool or xwininfo + xprop or xwininfo + xdpyinfo

[1] w3m-img is sometimes bundled together with w3m.

[2] Image support is built into Terminology, iTerm2 and kitty, and doesn't require w3m-img.

[3] See this wiki page for more information: Images in the terminal

Optional dependencies:


Any OS running an X Server

  • Desktop Environment: XFCE, GNOME, Cinnamon or MATE
  • Universal: feh, nitrogen or gsettings

Windows and macOS

  • No additional dependencies needed.


  • df


  • Google Play Music Desktop Player: gpmdp-remote
  • MPD: mpc
  • Mopidy: mpc
  • CMUS
  • MOC
  • Spotify (requires dbus)
  • Rhythmbox
  • Banshee
  • Amarok (requires qdbus)
  • Deadbeef
  • GNOME Music (requires dbus)
  • Lollypop (requires dbus)
  • Clementine (requires dbus)
  • Pragha
  • XMMS2
  • Exaile music player (requires dbus)
  • Juk (requires dbus)
  • Bluemindo (requires dbus)
  • Guayadeque (requires dbus)

Desktop Environment and Window Manager

Any OS running an X Server

  • xprop


Any OS running an X Server

  • xorg-xrandr or xorg-xdpyinfo [1]


  • screenresolution [2] [3]

[1] Xrandr is prefered over xdpyinfo as Xrandr supports multi monitor and refresh rate display in the output.

[2] screenresolution is faster than the built in Mac OS tools.

[3] screenresolution is installed for you when using homebrew.

Public IP

NOTE: dig is the fastest out of the three.

  • dig, curl or wget


Linux and GNU Hurd

  • lspci

BSD, Solaris, MINIX, and AIX

  • glxinfo
    • Not required on FreeBSD.

iOS Dependencies

These dependencies can all be installed through Cydia. Note: The Cydia package installs these dependencies for you.

  • Bourne-Again SHell
  • Core Utilities
  • Core Utilities (/bin)
  • Darwin Tools
  • system-cmds
  • Gawk
  • grep

Android Dependencies

  • bash
  • busybox

Note: I recommend installing termux from the Play Store or F-Droid. Termux provides you with a fully working Linux environment, doesn't require root access and includes all dependencies.

Note: Neofetch is in Termux's official repos.