A Python tool to create and decode audio files of Morse Code
Use the package manager pip to install pydub
and make sure all source files are in the same directory before running. If you plan to use non-WAV files also make sure ffmpeg is installed on your system.
Run python3 main.py
to use MorseAudio. You can choose to either [E]ncode or [D]ecode an audio file. Each option requires the target file's path and format (enter as "mp3", "wav, etc.). For encoding you also must supply a message and wpm (based on "PARIS").
MorseAudio should generally be pretty tolerant of imperfections, but I have not been able to get my hand on some human-generated samples for testing. Sometimes spaces may be incorrect in the generated message, but for the most part individual letters are correct. Signal detection is based on loudness, and a sharp beep may not be able to overcome background noise within the audio (planning to fix).