This repository provides sample client code for making requests to:
- Scality S3
- Scality IAM
- Scality UTAPI
(a) $ cp sampleConfig.json config.json
(b) modify config.json with real credentials and endpoints
(c) $ npm install
- Scality S3
To make Scality S3 requests, uncomment any desired function call
in s3Requests.js and then run node s3Requests.js
- Scality IAM
To make Scality IAM requests, uncomment any desired function call
in iamRequests.js and then run node iamRequests.js
- Scality UTAPI
To make a sample Scality UTAPI request, simply run node utapiRequests.js
To modify the request go into utapiRequests.js and modify the bucket names
or time range at the bottom of the file.