Developping applications for Ledger Blue requires a specific SDK and two compilers
- A standard ARM gcc to build the non-secure (STM32) firmware and link the secure (ST31) applications
- A standard ARM clang above 4.0.0 with ROPI support to build the secure (ST31) applications
- Pick a directory, linking the environment variable BOLOS_ENV to it
- Download a prebuild gcc from and unpack it into this directory
- Download a prebuild clang from and unpack it into this directory, then link this directory to clang-arm-fropi or rename it
Download the Nano S SDK from and link the environment variable BOLOS_SDK to it. You'll have to checkout the tag matching your firmware version.
Download the Blue SDK from and link the environment variable BOLOS_SDK to it. You'll have to checkout the tag matching your firmware version.
If you get missing include files on an x64 linux device, make sure to install the libc6-i386 and libc6-dev-i386 packages
For any question please contact