Lightbox component on top of angular material.
Add dependency:
angular.module("yourApp", ['ame.lightbox'])
Use the ameLightbox
.controller("SomeController", function(ameLightbox){
var imageList = ['', ''];
var options = {};, options);
initialIndex: 0, // initial image to show
targetEvent: undefined, // to be passed to $mdDialog
parent: null, // parent element to be passed to $mdDialog
buttonClass: "", // a list of classes to be added to navigation buttons
keyboard: true, // keyboard navigation
showDots: true, // whether to show dots or not
backdropOpacity: null, // default to $mdDialog defaults
bower install ame-lightbox --save
npm install
gulp build
- Add directive
- make it fullscreen on small screens
- change dots size and functionality in small screens
- show thumbnail when image is not loaded yet