A user-friendly interface (SPA - Single Page Application) for performing CRUD operations on holiday plans. It displays all holiday plans with their titles, descriptions, dates, locations, number of participants and also a Dashboard with additional detailed information. The interface also includes a button to print the selected holiday plan to PDF. Built with React, React Router, Vite, CSS, and Node.js.
- Click on the "Holiday Plans" tab in the upper-right corner of the screen;
- Then, click on the "Add New Holiday Plan" tab;
- Add different plans with 3 people or fewer, with more than 3 people and with varying details;
- After each plan insertion, check the Dashboard to observe what happens after 10 minutes.
- Try navigating through the website tabs and experimenting with the different buttons and information available on the dashboard and throughout the interface.
Dashboard displaying:
- Total holiday plans number;
- Total people across all events;
- Quantity of holiday plans added in the last 10 minutes;
- List of holiday plans added in the last 10 minutes;
- Quantity of holiday plans for up to 3 people;
- List of holiday plans for up to 3 people;
- Show button (click to view selected plan).
Holiday plans list page with:
- Table displaying summarized holiday plans information;
- Buttons to show more details, update, and delete each plan.
Detailed holiday plan information page (triggered by clicking 'show') with:
- All item properties (event name, number of people, date and hour, location, description);
- Buttons to update, delete and print to PDF the selected holiday plan.
Create a new holiday plan page with fields for:
Event name (type);
Number of people (select or type);
Date and hour (select or type);
Location (select: drop-down menu button);
Description (type);
Save button (click to save the new plan).
Update holiday plan page with the same format as the new holiday plan creation page;
Client-side form validation, error handling and navigation for a seamless user experience;
Data persistence using local storage to preserve data between sessions;
Responsive Design;
Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
- API Development (creation of an API to save the project information).
Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local machine:
Install Node.js, npm and Vite.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/LeoRam84/holiday_management cd holiday_management
Execute the 'npm run dev' command in your terminal within the project directory, after installing Node.js, npm and Vite.
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh;
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh.