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LexxPluss Charging Board Software

CI release

Install arduino-cli

$ brew install arduino-cli
$ arduino-cli config init
$ arduino-cli core update-index
$ arduino-cli core update-index --additional-urls
$ arduino-cli core install MightyCore:avr --additional-urls
$ arduino-cli lib install FastLED


$ git clone
$ cd chargingboard
$ arduino-cli compile --fqbn MightyCore:avr:1284:pinout=standard,variant=modelNonP,BOD=2v7,LTO=Os,clock=16MHz_external


Program bootloader


Connect Arduino UNO and Charging Board with the following connection and write.

Name UNO pin ATmega1284p pin J4 pin
RESET 10 9 5
MOSI 11 6 4
MISO 12 7 1
SCK 13 8 3
VCC 5V 10, 30 2
GND GND 11, 31 6
$ arduino-cli burn-bootloader -p /dev/cu.usbxxxx -P arduinoasisp --fqbn MightyCore:avr:1284:pinout=standard,variant=modelNonP,BOD=2v7,LTO=Os,clock=16MHz_external

The serial port specified by -p is the serial port of the Arduino UNO.

Program sketch

If Bootloader is written, Sketch can be written in the following.

$ arduino-cli upload -p /dev/cu.usbserial-xxxxxx --fqbn MightyCore:avr:1284:pinout=standard,variant=modelNonP,BOD=2v7,LTO=Os,clock=16MHz_external

The serial port specified by -p is the serial port of the Charing Board.

Use avrdude to write HEX files.

$ /xxx/avrdude -C/xxx/avrdude.conf -v -V -patmega1284 -carduino -P/dev/cu.usbserial-xxxxxx -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:LexxHard-ChargingBoard-Firmware.hex:i

avrdude is located in $HOME/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/avrdude/6.3.0-arduino18/.


Copyright (c) 2022, LexxPluss Inc. Released under the BSD License.