This is a fairly simple program with very simple instructions to follow. It's main purpose is to provide the user with a list of names of all files present in a directory with their extensions. It serves as a quick version control system as managing (Eg. downloaded) files can sometimes get very messy and can serve as a reference point of raw data which can further be processed in which-ever way the user wishes.
- Canvas: File names of the selected directory will appear here.
- Open Folder Button: Will prompt with a Select Folder.
- Run Button: Will execute the program and the text-file is exported to desktop.
- Clear: Resets the queue of files and directories selected.
v0.0.1 (31-08-21):
- Main-Release: Main-Program Intoduced.
v0.1 (07-09-21):
- Title Changed: The title of the application changed to 'Filenames-Handler'.
- Queueing Files Fixed: On adding multiple folders, previous files remain in queue to be exported until cleared.
- Changed & Improved UI: Buttons re-positioned, Screen Elements and Program UI.
- +1 Button: 1 New Button 'Clear' to clear the current queue of files.
- Improved Exporting: Exported File also displays the selected directory(ies).
- "You Forgor!": Empty folders and queues will be exempted from execution.
- ALERTS: Some alerts, introduced to show the 'present status' (Eg. File-Write, Folder-Empty, etc.)