- glfw 3.3.4
- glad 2.0.0-BETA
- imgui 1.82
- cmake 3.20.1
- opengl 3.3
Creating simple window that used imgui for graphic interface with glfw and glad for window and render build using the cmake build. But note that it still need compiler tools and opengl3 if install.
Tested window 10 64 bit Visual Studio Community 2019, Windows Kits and CMake.
First error build. It need lib set up.
- First error build that cmake link error glfw3.lib. Second time it should work.
There is premade files to help quick build test. It used web service generate the files.
Language: c/c++
Specification: openGL
gl version 3.3
gless1 version 1.0
gles2 version 3.3
glsc2 version 2.0
Language: c/c++
el version 1.5
gl version 3.3
gless1 version 1.0
gles2 version 3.2
glsc2 version 2.0
glx version 1.4
vulkan version 1.2
wgl version 1.0
-[ ] alias Enables function pointer aliasing
-[ ] debug Enables generation of a debug build
-[ ] header only Generate a header only version of glad
-[x] loader Include internal loaders for APIs
-[ ] merge Merge multiple APIs of the same specification into one file.
-[ ] mx Enables support for multiple GL contexts
-[ ] mx global Mimic global GL functions with context switching
-[ ] on demand On-demand function pointer loading, initialize on use (experimental)