Internal lib used to publish libs of "" and "java-library" types.
NOTE: This is an internal tool configured for a single group id artifact.
Extension params:
artifactPublisher {
// Optionals (if not set, will be taken from the project's equivalent values)
description = "some description"
group = ""
version = "1.0.0"
// Mandatory
displayName = "some name"
url = "http://some.url"
vcsUrl = "http://some.vcs.url"
issueTrackerUrl = "http://some.issue.url"
tags = ["something"]
Target extension params:
artifactPublisherTarget {
disablePublishing = false // defaults to false
CI tasks:
to bump the minor version.changelogUpdate
to replace the "## Unreleased" part of a changelog.
Command to publish:
./gradlew publishToMavenCentral -Prelease=true
For publishing the artifact-publisher:
To Maven Central:
./gradlew publishLikethesaladPublicationToSonatypeRepository closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository