- Tailwind CSS >= v1.0.0
Install via Yarn:
$ yarn add tailwindcss-pseudo
// tailwind.config.js
theme: {
backgroundColor: {
'black': 'black',
pseudo: { // defaults to {'before': 'before', 'after': 'after'}
'before': 'before',
'after': 'after',
'not-first': 'not(:first-child)',
variants: {
backgroundColor: ['not-first'],
empty: ['before', 'after'], // defaults to []
plugins: [
empty: true, // defaults to true
This plugin generates the following utilities:
.bg-black {
background-color: black;
.not-first\:bg-black:not(:first-child) {
background-color: black;
.empty {
content: '';
.before\:empty::before {
content: '';
.after\:empty::after {
content: '';
Tests are handled with Jest and can be ran using:
$ yarn run test
If you discover a bug in Tailwind CSS Pseudo, please open an issue.
Contributing whether it be through PRs, reporting an issue, or suggesting an idea is encouraged and appreciated.
Tailwind CSS Pseudo provided under the MIT License.