This repository contains two main directories, each with a small coding challenge. Start by cloning this project to your local machine:
git clone
When you're done zip the project directory and reply back with it to the email that you received this challenge from.
Transform contains a simple Javascript file with a sample json block and a comment with further instructions. This small exercise is designed to demonstrate your ability to think through common programmatic logic and how you think about efficiency and readability within your code.
Within the UI directory you'll find the shell of a static webpage and a JSON file with some basic user data. Your goal is to create an aesthetically pleasing user profile page that highlights information from the JSON file.
There's no need to use anything more than HTML and CSS (although you may if you desire). The user data can just be hardcoded into the HTML, and there are no rules regarding how much of the provided data that you need to use. Additionally, you may also include any content of your own.
Ultimately, we want to see how you think about design, how you organize and lay out content, and gauge the general extent of your visual / UI design skills. Things like responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility are not required.