Turn an N64 controller into a bluetooth HID device
You will need:
Nintendo 64 Controller, Arduino Uno, Sparkfun Protoshield, Sparkfun BlueSMiRF HID module, Battery with Barrel Jack connector (standard 9V battery will work), Hook-up wire, Heatshrink, Soldering iron etc.
- Solder the Sparkfun Protoshield together. Instructions on SparkFun website.
- Solder a stackable header to the BlueSMiRF connector on the protoshield.
- Solder header pins to the BlueSMiRF HID module so that it mates with the protoshield. Do not solder it directly to the shield.
- Stick 3 lengths of hookup wire into the controller's connector. I recommend bending the hookup wire to ensure good contact.
- Use heatshrink to hold the hookup wire in place.
- Solder the hookup wire to 3.3V, GND and D2. There should be a wiring diagram included with this project.
- Upload the sketch to the Arduino Uno.
- Disconnect USB, apply battery.
- Pair and use like any Bluetooth gamepad. :)