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Lossy edited this page Apr 21, 2024 · 6 revisions

Generate Classes

If you are looking to contribute to the project or just simply look around in the source code, you might notice a lot of imports and functions are not resolved within your IDE. While doing a full build (./gradlew build -x signArchives) works fine to generate classes, it could take more time depending on your development setup.

Simply run ./gradlew generateProto generateSteamLanguage generateProjectVersion generateRpcMethods to generate a new copy of Protobufs and SteamLanguage files. Your IDE should find the missing classes and clear any warnings after.

Working with Protobufs

Sometimes if your IDE; for example IntelliJ, is not recognizing imports generated from protobufs, this could be a result of the IDE enforcing a file size limit with it's code-completion aid system. Increasing the default size limit and rebooting the IDE should allow it to parse through the protobuf files as they can be large in file size and line count.

For example, using JetBrains IntelliJ, this can be adjusted by doing the following:

  1. Help > Edit Custom Properties
  2. Paste the following:
# Replace the values with something less if resources are limited.
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