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Executable Packages

njlr edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Some packages contain a library and a complementary tool. For example, Protobuf provides libproto, which is a library, and protoc, which is a compilation tool. Often, it is essential that the versions of these match up, so Buckaroo is a great way to manage this kind of dependency.

Example: Protobuf with Buckaroo

Since Protobuf is a canonical case, let's walk through an example. The concepts are largely the same for similar tools. You can see the complete example on GitHub.

First, lets create a project folder:

mkdir protobuf-example
cd protobuf-example
buckaroo init

We need to install Protobuf.

buckaroo add

Now we can run protoc, provided by the Buckaroo package:

buck run buckaroo.github.buckaroo-pm.protobuf//:protoc

The long prefix (buckaroo.github.buckaroo-pm.protobuf) is the Buck cell into which Buckaroo has installed the package. In your build scripts you can use a macro to fetch this in a cleaner way.

Awesome. We will repurpose the "address book" example that ships with Protobuf to illustrate how to use the package.

First, create addressbook.proto:


Next, create two C++ programs, one to add a person to the address book and one to list the people already there.


With these in place, we can write a BUCK file to build them.

We will leverage some utilities from utils.bzl, so fetch that:


Here is the BUCK file:

load('//:buckaroo_macros.bzl', 'buckaroo_cell')
load('//:utils.bzl', 'extract')

# The cell name of the Protobuf package
# 'buckaroo.github.buckaroo-pm.protobuf'
protobuf_cell = buckaroo_cell('')

# The Buck target for protoc, the Protobuf compiler
# 'buckaroo.github.buckaroo-pm.protobuf//:protoc'
protoc = protobuf_cell + '//:protoc'

# The Buck target for the Protobuf library
# 'buckaroo.github.buckaroo-pm.protobuf//:protobuf'
protobuf = protobuf_cell + '//:protobuf'

# Generate C++ code from addressbook.proto
  name = 'addressbook-cpp',
  out = 'out',
  srcs = [
  cmd = 'mkdir -p $OUT && $(exe ' + protoc + ') $SRCDIR/addressbook.proto --proto_path=$SRCDIR --cpp_out=$OUT',

# Group the generated code into a library
  name = 'addressbook',
  header_namespace = '',
  exported_headers = {
    'addressbook.pb.h': extract(':addressbook-cpp', 'addressbook.pb.h'),
  srcs = [
    extract(':addressbook-cpp', ''),
  deps = [

# Tool for adding a person to the database
  name = 'add-person',
  srcs = [
  deps = [

# Tool for listing people in the database
  name = 'list-people',
  srcs = [
  deps = [

Now we can run the tools.

To add a person to the database ab, do:

buck run :add-person -- ab

Then, to view the people you have added, do:

buck run :list-people -- ab

How it Works

In Buckaroo, packages can export multiple targets. These targets can be libraries, files or even executables. In this case, we have the Protobuf library (protobuf) and the compiler (protoc), an executable.

We can call an executable inside of a genrule, allowing us to create source files as part of the build process. This what the target called addressbook-cpp does.

Next, we can pass those sources-files to a C++ library target, in this case addressbook. We can also depend on the Protobuf library.

Finally, building the two tools is very simple, because the headers and symbols they require are provided by addressbook, so they can just depend on that.

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