This package allows to simply import, use and add extra functionality to LERC20 tokens.
You can read more about LERC20 tokens here.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@losslesscash/lerc20/contracts/LERC20.sol";
contract ScoobyToken is LERC20 {
constructor() LERC20(
100 * 10**18, // total supply
"Scooby", // name
"SCB", // symbol
0x192E176367C3Ae93f94643a53BC73345073df503, // admin account address
0x192E176367C3Ae93f94643a53BC73345073df503, // recovery admin account address
86400, // timelock period
0x27fce20D62f1DE73B0Ae1Dc7572F881061692de9 // lossless controller address (ropsten)
) {}