Tool for logging RGB-D data from the ASUS Xtion Pro Live with OpenNI2 and the Intel® RealSense™ Camera R200 with librealsense.
Builds on Linux
Requires CMake, Boost, Qt4, OpenNI2, librealsense, ZLIB and OpenCV.
Grabs RGB and depth frames which can then be compressed (lossless ZLIB on depth and JPEG on RGB) or uncompressed.
Frames can be cached in memory and written out when logging is finished, or streamed to disk.
Multiple threads are used for the frame grabbing, compression and GUI. A circular buffer is used to help mitigate synchronisation issues that may occur.
Supports disabling auto settings on the camera.
The binary format is specified in Logger2.h
Run with -t to enable TCP streaming support on port 5698
If you get an error about not being able to connect to the device (ASUS Xtion Pro Live) follow these instructions (credit to John McCormac)
- Find the idVendor and idProduct by running lsusb (with example output):
$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 006: ID <idVendorHere>:<idProductHere> ASUS
- Create a new usb rules file:
$ sudo editor /etc/udev/rules.d/asus.rules
- Paste in the below line with appropriate modifications (i.e. filling in the appropriate idVendor and idProduct listed above - 1d27 and 0601 for example):
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1d27", ATTR{idProduct}=="0601", GROUP="plugdev"
- Double check you are indeed in the plugdev group, or change the group above accordingly
$ groups
- Reboot to take effect