As an Android developer stepping into the world of iOS, I've created this repository to showcase my journey in learning iOS development. Here, you'll find a collection of iOS apps that I've built as I explore the ins and outs of Apple's development ecosystem.
- Workout app -
To run these apps on your iOS device or simulator, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Open the project in Xcode.
Select the desired app target.
Build and run the app on your device or simulator.
If you're an experienced iOS developer and have suggestions for improvements or new app ideas, feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request. I'm always open to learning and improving my iOS skills!
If you encounter any issues while using these apps, please open an issue in the GitHub repository. I'll do my best to address them promptly.
Acknowledgements I'd like to thank the iOS development community for their valuable resources and tutorials, which have been instrumental in helping me learn iOS development.
Happy coding! 🚀
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