A web application for evaluating students' professional skills, such as teamwork and communication. The purpose of the SkillBuilder application is to allow instructors to assess teams of students in real-time using research-based or custom rubrics. Instructors can email students their results, as well as download the data for analysis.
A Back End Flask server.
A Caching Redis server.
A Front End React server.
UPDATE: Using Docker and Docker Compose should become the sole method for running this application locally as it solves dependency issues across all platforms! Also makes developing easier as there are now only two commands to worry about.
Follow the link for instructions on downloading Docker Desktop: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/
NOTE: If you have an intel chip with Windows OS, you will need to go to the following link to install Docker Desktop: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/
NOTE: Make sure that there are no running frontend, redis, or backend processes as there will be port conflicts. To view if you have processes running on important ports, run the following and expect no output:
lsof -i :3000,5050,6379
If output, there is a chance you still have processes running and you need to use the following command to kill them off:
kill <pid>
There is a chance that your OS has an important process running on one of these ports that should not be terminated. In that case, change the port for conflicting processes in the compose.yml file. Make sure that you also update changed ports in the frontend or backend .env and anywhere else needed!
Step 1: After following the instructions, ensure you have Docker Desktop open and running.
Step 2: Open a new terminal and navigate to where you have this repository cloned.
Step 3: Run the following command to ensure you have docker running:
docker ps
Step 4: Run the following command to build the images:
docker compose build
NOTE: To rebuild with new changes applied and ignore cached build run the following:
docker compose build --no-cache
NOTE: To view all of the build logs instead of the default summary run the following:
docker compose build --process=plain
Step 5: Run the following command to run containers from the images:
docker compose up
Step 6: Open a browser with the link http://localhost:3000 to see the frontend.
Python 3.12 and up.
Homebrew 4.2.18 and up.
Redis 7.2.4 and up.
Node.js v21.6.1 and up.
- You WILL encounter issues when running both the Back End and Front End servers if you do NOT have installed the REQUIRED versions of Python and Node.js.
Linux, Mac, and WSL Developers use
. -
Run the following command to install MySQL-Server on Linux:
sudo apt install mysql-server
Run the following command to install MySQL-Server on MacOS:
brew install mysql
Run the following command to start MySQL-Server on MacOS:
brew services start mysql
Run the following command to start MySQL-Server in a new terminal:
sudo mysql -u root
Next use these commands to create an account named skillbuilder and set the password to "WasPogil1#"
CREATE DATABASE account; CREATE USER 'skillbuilder'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'WasPogil1#'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'skillbuilder'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit;
The password should be changed for deployment.
Once this is done, you can use:
as normal to create the database. If for any reason you want to access the database directly, run the following command:mysql -u skillbuilder -p
and then type the password.
Follow the link for instructions on downloading Python:
Follow the link for instructions on downloading Node.js:
Follow the link for instructions on downloading brew:
Once installed, run the following command with Homebrew to install redis:
brew install redis
Follow the instructions for setting up the virtual environment:
Step 1: Ensure you are in the BackEndFlask directory by running the command:
cd BackEndFlask
Step 2: Create the virtual environment by running the command:
python3 -m venv BackEndFlaskVenv
Step 3: Activate the virtual environment by running the command:
source BackEndFlaskVenv/bin/activate
To Deactivate the virtual environment, run the command:
To Remove the virtual environment, run the command:
rm -r BackEndFlaskVenv
In order to setup the environment for the first time, you will need to be in the
directory and run the following command:python3 setupEnv.py -id
This command will install all the requirements from requirements.txt, create a new database, and load the database with demo data.
Flag Meanings:
If you DO NOT run the above command with the
flags once, then the Back End server WILL NOT be initialized properly. If the Back End server is NOT initialized properly, then the Back End server WILL NOT run. IF the Back End server is NOT running, then the Front End server WILL NOT run properly either. -
In the case where you want to restart with a fresh new database, add the flag
to reset the existing database. You WILL then have to rerun the command with the-d
flag to load demo data.
Follow the link for instructions on downloading Node.js:
In order to install the required packages you WILL need to be in the directory
. -
Inside the Front End React directory run the following command to install all the Node packages for the project:
npm install
If you run
npm install
outside of the/rubricapp/FrontEndReact/
directory, it WILL cause issues. -
In the case where you run
npm install
outside of the/rubricapp/FrontEndReact/
directory, simply remove the created filespackage.json
and the directorynode_modules
. Ensure that you have correctly changed the current working directory to/rubricapp/FrontEndReact/
before attempting to run the command to install the Node packages.
You WILL need to run the Back End server first, the Redis server second, then the Front End server third.
You WILL need to run the Back End, Redis, and Front End servers in different terminal windows.
Use the following command for running the Back End server in the
directory during regular use:python3 setupEnv.py -s
Flag meaning:
Use the following command for running the Redis server:
brew services start redis
Run the following command to restart redis with Homebrew:
brew services restart redis
Run the following command to stop redis with Homewbrew:
brew services stop redis
Use the following command for running the Front End Server in the
directory:npm start
This command runs the Front End server in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 or to view it in your browser.
Any changes made in the
directory will be caught by the running Front End server, thus rerendering any opened tabs in your browser. -
You will also be able to see any compile warnings and errors in the console.
For running pytests on the Back End server you will use the following command:
python3 setupEnv.py -t
Flag meaning:
For running Jest tests on the Front End server you will use the following command:
npm test
This command launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. Make sure the version of react is 'react-scripts@0.3.0' or higher.
Here is a link for learning more information about running tests: