Welcome to Luther-Books!
God is the word and Dr. Martin Luther woke up1 from the false teachings of the Catholic Church by reading, studying and teaching2 the Word of God. We can do that too.
We was born with an evil spirit, but now3 our spirit needs spiritual food4, and only the word of God is life
and this word is the light of men.5.
The first book that is published on LutherApp is Christian Dogmatics.
This repo, Luther-Books, is an app with overview of all Luther's writings, with a search engine, with links to the online book.6
The goal is apps with responsive design for better readability and user-friendliness on mobile devices.7
The awakening wasn't coming in a blink, and after a couple of years after he wrote the 95 Thesis, he also come to the "right" understanding of the Sacraments of Penance ↩
The truth is that most priests and teachers are never awakened, but God can work miracles and make whoever he wants to be instruments of his kingdom. We all know about [St. Paul](Acts 9:4-8), and I can also add one example from north of Scandinavia about a priest named Lars Levi Læstadius. ↩
After we became Christian and children of God. ↩
A body dies without food, so does the spirit. A body that dies does not know that it is dead, so also when he/she became spiritually dead. ↩
Searching for Lutheran writings will be much better here than anywhere else on the internet. ↩
For most of Luther's writings that are published online, you need a desktop computer, because they are difficult to read on mobile phones. ↩