- "/" will show breweries in your area if present or most popular upto ten
- "/breweries" will show you all breweries or breweries in searched for location
- "/breweries/:breweryId" will show you a specific Brewery. You can delete a brewery here if it is yours.
- "/create-brewery" allows you to create a brewery
- "/breweries/:breweryId/edit-brewery" allows editting of brewery
- "/breweries/:breweryId" will show the reviews for each brewery. Here you can delete your reviews
- "/breweries/:breweryId/reviews/:reviewId/edit" Allows for the editing of a review
- "/breweries/:breweryId/reviews" Allows for the creation of a review
- "/breweries/:breweryId" will show all photos attatched to the brewery. you can add and delete photos here
- "/breweries" will show a map of all breweries or breweries searched for by location
- "/breweries/:breweryId" will show a map of specific brewery
- "/breweries/:breweryId" Allows posting, viewing and deleting likes for a brewery
- "/breweries/:breweryId" Allows posting, viewing and deleting likes for each review
- All pages will show a search bar that takes in a search for city/state
- either can be used for search
- state will autocorrect if mispelled
- city is case insensitive
- the home page will prompt a geolocation. This allows the initial state to be set in your location
- "/breweries/:breweryId" Allows full crud of this feature if you are the owner of the brewery
- If there are no items matching a search, "/breweries" will render a redirect home with a button to go to "/create-brewery"
- If an unauthenticated user tries to do something, they will go to "/redirect-login" with options for login or signup
- AWS S3
- fontAwesome
- react-google-maps
- redux toolkit
- axios
- draftJs
- js-cookie
- react
- redux
- react-geocode
- geocode API
- lvcky-correct-state-spelling
- AWS sdk
- bcrypt
- cookie-parser
- cors
- csrf
- dotenv
- express
- helmet
- jsonwebtoken
- morgan
- multer
- per-env
- pg
- s3fs
- sequelize
- lvcky-correct-state-spelling is my own NPM package
- filterState is the function used from it to check state spelling
- PORT=8000
- DB_FILE=db/dev.db
- SCHEMA=schema_name
- NODE_ENV=development
- NODE_ENV = 'development'
- REACT_APP_BASE_URL=http://localhost:5000
- Have two terminals
- backend startup either:
- cd backend
- npm run lvcky or:
- npm install
- npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate
- npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all
- npm start
- frontend
- cd frontend
- npm install
- npm start
- NODE_ENV=production
- npm cache clean --force && npm install && npm run render-postbuild && npm run build && npm run sequelize --prefix backend db:migrate && npm run sequelize --prefix backend db:seed:all
- npm start