- It doesn’t depend on pyEnchant anymore, which has been discontinued and doesn’t have any 64 Windows builds.
- It allows the filter parameters in the vpy file to be set via command line arguments of the main script.
- It’s likely even more broken than the original because I can’t code for shit.
A python program to OCR videos
Adapted (aka shamelessly stolen) from the bash based video OCR Yolocr (https://git.clapity.eu/Id/YoloCR)
It uses vapoursynth, ffmpeg and tesseract along with some python modules
- python 3+ (Use the 32-bit version on Windows, because pyEnchant does not support Win64)
- vapoursynth
- tesseract. (Make sure to use the official training data set. The one included in the Windows setup by UB Mannheim is faulty and needs to be replaced.)
Python, ffmpeg and vspipe (vapoursynth) should be in the PATH
Install vapoursynth plugins:
- For Windows:
- Unzip the content of dependecies/Win/vapoursynth_dep.zip to your vapoursynth plugin folder
- Unzip the content of dependecies/Win/python_dep.zip to your python site-packages folder
- For Linux:
- install Vapoursynth-plugins (or use my containerized version of pythoCR)
Install (from pip) python prerequisites:
$pip3 install colorama configargparse spellchecker numpy opencv-python tqdm
clone this repository
Here, you're done.
$python3 pythOcr.py --help
usage: PythoCR [-h] [--version] [-c CONFIG] [-l language] [-wd folder]
[-o folder] [--log-level level] [--ass-style style]
[-rr path to regex-replace json] [-hcr char,replace]
[--sub-format format] [--mode mode] [--vpy vpy_file]
[--threads number] [--auto-same-sub-threshold number]
[--same-sub-threshold number] [--no-spellcheck] [-t] [-d]
[--tesseract-path path to tesseract binary]
[--vapoursynth-path path to vspipe binary] [--width number]
[--height number] [--cropbox_y number] [--cropbox-alt_y number]
[--supersampling number] [--expand-ratio number]
[--resampler mode] [--white-thresh number]
[--black-thresh number] [--detect-thresh number]
path [path ...]
Filters a video and extracts subtitles as srt or ass. Args that start with
'--' (eg. --version) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c).
Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details,
see syntax at https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one
place, then commandline values override config file values which override
positional arguments:
path path to a video
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
path to configuration file
-l language, --lang language
Select the language of the subtitles (default: fra)
-wd folder, --work-dir folder
Directory where I will put all my temporary stuff
(default ./temp)
-o folder, --output-dir folder
Directory where I will put all my released stuff
(default ./output)
--log-level level Set the logging level (default INFO)
--ass-style style ASS style to use if sub-format is ass (default:
Verdana 60)
-rr path to regex-replace json, --regex-replace path to regex-replace json
List of regex/replace for automatic correction
-hcr char,replace, --heuristic-char-replace char,replace
List of char/replace for heuristic correction
--sub-format format Set the outputed subtitles format (default: srt)
--mode mode Set the processing mode. "filter" to only start the
filtering jobs, "ocr" to process already filtered
videos, "full" for both. (default: full)
--vpy vpy_file vapoursynth file to use for filtering (default: extract_subs.vpy)
--threads number Number of threads the script will use (default:
automatic detection)
--auto-same-sub-threshold number
Percentage of comparison to assert that two lines of
subtitles are automatically the same (default: 95%)
--same-sub-threshold number
Percentage of comparison to assert that two lines of
subtitles are the same (default: 80%)
--no-spellcheck Deactivate the function which tries to replace
allegedly bad characters using spellcheck (it will
make the "heurist_char_replace" option of the
userconfig useless)
-t, --timid Activate timid mode (it will ask for user input when
some corrections are not automatically approved)
-d, --delay Delay correction after every video is processed
--tesseract-path path to tesseract binary
The path to call tesseract (default: tesseract)
--vapoursynth-path path to vspipe binary
The path to call vapoursynth (default: vspipe)
--width number width of the box containing the subtitles in pixels
--height number height of the box containing the subtitles in pixels
--cropbox_y number height of the subtitle box relative to the bottom in
--cropbox-alt_y number
height of the alternative subtitle box (\an8) relative
to the bottom in pixels. -1 to disable (default)
--supersampling number
Supersampling factor. -1 to disable (default)
--expand-ratio number
no idea, just read the code xd
--resampler mode scaling algorithm to use
--white-thresh number
color threshold of the inner subtitles
--black-thresh number
color threshold of the outer subtitles (the black
--detect-thresh number
general detection threshold. lower values lead to more
detected subs.
You need to specify the height (relative to the bottom) and the dimensions of the box the subtitles are contained in. So for example:
python pythoCR.py /myVideos/vid01.mp4 -l eng --sub-format ass --width 980 --height 140 --cropbox_y 20