Blocky is an iOS call blocking & sms filtering app developed in Swift 4. The app has been actively upgrading to adopt the latest features of iOS and Swift language.
The current version is working with Xcode Version Xcode 9.3 (9E145).
This version supports iOS 11.0+ only using Swift 4+
- Swift Programming Language
- MVVM - Reactively update
UI fromViewModel
- Value-based programming - Use immutable value anywhere
- PhoneNumberKit
- CTKFlagPhoneNumber
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Install pods (Optional)
$ cd Blocky
$ pod install
- Open the workspace in Xcode (Optional)
$ open "Blocky.xcworkspace"
- Compile and run the app in your Actual Device (iPhone running iOS 11.0+)
- Xcode 9
- iOS 11.0+
- Swift 4