Twisted Times in Twinsmouth (my #advjam2023 entry) is a point-and-click pixel-art game #madewithdefold []
Offcial page: []
The framework code (the Defold projects with its scripts and collections) is released under the MIT Licence (you can use it for you own games, if you're able to do that)
The graphic and the game script is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License [] (you can use graphics and the current script to learn how to use the framework and/or use/change them for a free game)
The fonts have their specific license in font folder (licenses are permissive, but check them - you can easily change fonts if they don't fit your needs)
The music (by Andrea Baroni @bluegestalt) CANNOT be released or distributed. It can be used only to run this game for personal usage (you cannot use this game music for ANY reason)