This repository includes code and partial data for the analyses in Henderson, Blenkinsop, Ratmann et al. (2024)
scripts/main_analysis.R contains the code to replicate the results of this study.
The code in this repository is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Imperial makes no representation or warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the data nor that the results will not constitute in infringement of third-party rights. Imperial accepts no liability or responsibility for any use which may be made of any results, for the results, nor for any reliance which may be placed on any such work or results.
Please cite this work as:
Henderson M., Blenkinsop A., Ratmann R., Cheung M., Lyall H., Fidler S., Foster C; on behalf of the BONDY study group, 2024. Bone Health in Youth Living with Perinatally Acquired HIV-1 infection: A Longitudinal Study.
The BONDY study group: Sara Ayres, Alice Walley, Rebecca Hall, Natalie Kirkhope, Fiona Brown and Wilbert Ayap.