This is a Jekyll website for Hack2gether, one of the MLH Prep August'22 pods. It is based on the template designed for Prep Fellows.
The website is deployed on Github Pages.
- Light and Dark modes.
- Displaying images, names, locations & social links for the pod members.
- Profile pages to show more information about the pod members.
- A scoring system for the contributions done by each member to the program's projects, and a ranking system.
- A map showing the location of each of the pod member.
- A section showcasing the projects made by the pod members.
- A section for blogs.
- Automatic build & deployment to Github Pages.
- Automatic Image Compression.
If you want to test it locally or add some new features, run the below commands. Make sure to have Ruby and Bundler installed.
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec jekyll serve