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[mmzk] (test) Add one V4 test
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MMZK1526 committed Aug 6, 2023
1 parent 6217e09 commit bd6879d
Showing 1 changed file with 217 additions and 0 deletions.
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions test/Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.TypeID
import Data.TypeID.V4 (TypeIDV4)
import Data.TypeID.Class
import Data.TypeID.Error
import Data.UUID.Types (nil)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ withChecks action = do
main :: IO ()
main = hspec do

v7Test :: Spec
v7Test = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,3 +289,218 @@ v7Test = do
kid'' <- peek ptr
kid'' `shouldBe` kid'
free ptr

v4Test :: Spec
v4Test = do
invalid <- runIO (BSL.readFile "test/invalid.json" >>= throwDecode :: IO [TestData])
valid <- runIO (BSL.readFile "test/valid.json" >>= throwDecode :: IO [TestData])
validUUID <- runIO (BSL.readFile "test/valid.json" >>= throwDecode :: IO [TestDataUUID])
describe "Generate TypeIDV4" do
it "can generate TypeIDV4 with prefix" do
tid <- withCheck $ genID @TypeIDV4 "mmzk"
print tid
getPrefix tid `shouldBe` "mmzk"
-- it "can generate TypeIDV4 without prefix" do
-- start <- V7.getEpochMilli
-- tid <- withCheck $ genID @TypeID ""
-- getPrefix tid `shouldBe` ""
-- getTime tid `shouldSatisfy` \t -> t >= start
-- it "can generate TypeID with stateless UUIDv7" do
-- start <- V7.getEpochMilli
-- tid <- withCheck $ genID' @TypeID "mmzk"
-- getPrefix tid `shouldBe` "mmzk"
-- getTime tid `shouldSatisfy` \t -> t >= start
-- it "can generate in batch with same timestamp and in ascending order" do
-- start <- V7.getEpochMilli
-- tids <- withChecks $ genIDs @TypeID "mmzk" 1526
-- all ((== "mmzk") . getPrefix) tids `shouldBe` True
-- let timestamp = getTime $ head tids
-- all ((== timestamp) . getTime) tids `shouldBe` True
-- all (uncurry (<)) (zip tids $ tail tids) `shouldBe` True
-- timestamp `shouldSatisfy` \t -> t >= start
-- it "can parse TypeID from String" do
-- case string2ID @TypeID "mmzk_00041061050r3gg28a1c60t3gf" of
-- Left err -> expectationFailure $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
-- Right tid -> getPrefix tid `shouldBe` "mmzk"

-- describe "Parse TypeID" do
-- let invalidPrefixes = [ ("caps", "PREFIX")
-- , ("numeric", "12323")
-- , ("symbols", "pre.fix")
-- , ("spaces", " ")
-- , ("long", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
-- , ("ascii", "château") ]
-- describe "can detect invalid prefix" do
-- forM_ invalidPrefixes \(reason, prefix) -> it reason do
-- genID @TypeID prefix `shouldThrow` anyTypeIDError
-- case decorate @TypeID prefix nil of
-- Left _ -> pure ()
-- Right _ -> expectationFailure "Should not be able to decorate with invalid prefix"
-- let invalidSuffixes = [ ("spaces", " ")
-- , ("short", "01234")
-- , ("long", "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789")
-- , ("caps", "00041061050R3GG28A1C60T3GF") -- Would be valid in lowercase
-- , ("hyphens", "00041061050-3gg28a1-60t3gf")
-- , ("crockford_ambiguous", "ooo41o61o5or3gg28a1c6ot3gi") -- Would be valid if we followed Crockford's substitution rules
-- , ("symbols", "00041061050.3gg28a1_60t3gf")
-- , ("wrong_alphabet", "ooooooiiiiiiuuuuuuulllllll") ]
-- describe "can detect invalid suffix" do
-- forM_ invalidSuffixes \(reason, suffix) -> it reason do
-- case string2ID @TypeID suffix of
-- Left _ -> pure ()
-- Right tid -> expectationFailure $ "Parsed TypeID: " ++ show tid

-- describe "Parse special values" do
-- let specialValues = [ ("nil", "00000000000000000000000000", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
-- , ("one", "00000000000000000000000001", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")
-- , ("ten", "0000000000000000000000000a", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000a")
-- , ("sixteen", "0000000000000000000000000g", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000010")
-- , ("thirty-two", "00000000000000000000000010", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000020") ]
-- forM_ specialValues \(reason, tid, uuid) -> it reason do
-- case string2ID @TypeID tid of
-- Left err -> expectationFailure $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
-- Right tid -> show (getUUID tid) `shouldBe` uuid

-- describe "TypeID valid JSON instances" do
-- it "Decode and then encode should be identity" do
-- tid <- genID @TypeID "mmzk"
-- tid' <- genID @TypeID "foo"
-- let mapping = M.fromList [(tid, tid')]
-- let json = encode mapping
-- decode json `shouldBe` Just mapping
-- fmap encode (decode @(Map TypeID TypeID) json) `shouldBe` Just json
-- describe "Valid JSON value" do
-- forM_ valid \(TestData name tid (Just prefix) (Just uuid)) -> it name do
-- case decode @TypeID (fromString $ show tid) of
-- Nothing -> expectationFailure "Parse JSON failed!"
-- Just tid -> do
-- getPrefix tid `shouldBe` prefix
-- show (getUUID tid) `shouldBe` uuid
-- describe "Valid JSON key" do
-- forM_ valid \(TestData name tid (Just prefix) (Just uuid)) -> it name do
-- case decode @(Map TypeID Int) (fromString $ "{" ++ show tid ++ ":" ++ "114514" ++ "}") of
-- Nothing -> expectationFailure "Parse JSON failed!"
-- Just mapping -> do
-- let (tid, _) = M.elemAt 0 mapping
-- getPrefix tid `shouldBe` prefix
-- show (getUUID tid) `shouldBe` uuid

-- describe "TypeID invalid JSON instances" do
-- describe "Invalid JSON value" do
-- forM_ invalid \(TestData name tid _ _) -> it name do
-- case decode @TypeID (fromString $ show tid) of
-- Nothing -> pure ()
-- Just tid -> expectationFailure $ "Parsed TypeID: " ++ show tid
-- describe "Invalid JSON key" do
-- forM_ invalid \(TestData name tid _ _) -> it name do
-- case decode @(Map TypeID Int) (fromString $ "{" ++ show tid ++ ":" ++ "114514" ++ "}") of
-- Nothing -> pure ()
-- Just tid -> expectationFailure "Invalid TypeID key shouldn't be parsed!"

-- describe "Test invalid.json" do
-- forM_ invalid \(TestData name tid _ _) -> it name do
-- case string2ID @TypeID tid of
-- Left _ -> pure ()
-- Right tid -> expectationFailure $ "Parsed TypeID: " ++ show tid

-- describe "Test valid.json (TypeID as literal)" do
-- forM_ valid \(TestData name tid (Just prefix) (Just uuid)) -> it name do
-- case string2ID @TypeID tid of
-- Left err -> expectationFailure $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
-- Right tid -> do
-- getPrefix tid `shouldBe` prefix
-- show (getUUID tid) `shouldBe` uuid

-- describe "Test valid.json (TypeID as JSON)" do
-- forM_ validUUID \(TestDataUUID name tid prefix uuid) -> it name do
-- getPrefix tid `shouldBe` prefix
-- getUUID tid `shouldBe` uuid

-- describe "Generate type-level TypeID (KindID) with 'Symbol' prefixes" do
-- it "can generate KindID with prefix" do
-- start <- V7.getEpochMilli
-- kid <- withCheck $ genID @(KindID "mmzk")
-- getPrefix kid `shouldBe` "mmzk"
-- getTime kid `shouldSatisfy` \t -> start <= t
-- it "can generate KindID without prefix" do
-- start <- V7.getEpochMilli
-- kid <- withCheck $ genID @(KindID "")
-- getPrefix kid `shouldBe` ""
-- getTime kid `shouldSatisfy` \t -> start <= t
-- it "can generate KindID with stateless UUID v7" do
-- start <- V7.getEpochMilli
-- kid <- withCheck $ genID' @(KindID "mmzk")
-- getPrefix kid `shouldBe` "mmzk"
-- getTime kid `shouldSatisfy` \t -> start <= t
-- it "can generate in batch with same timestamp and in ascending order" do
-- start <- V7.getEpochMilli
-- kids <- withChecks $ genIDs @(KindID "mmzk") 1526
-- all ((== "mmzk") . getPrefix) kids `shouldBe` True
-- let timestamp = getTime $ head kids
-- all ((== timestamp) . getTime) kids `shouldBe` True
-- all (uncurry (<)) (zip kids $ tail kids) `shouldBe` True
-- timestamp `shouldSatisfy` \t -> start <= t
-- it "can parse KindID from String" do
-- case string2ID @(KindID "mmzk") "mmzk_00041061050r3gg28a1c60t3gf" of
-- Left err -> expectationFailure $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
-- Right kid -> getPrefix kid `shouldBe` "mmzk"
-- it "cannot parse KindID into wrong prefix" do
-- case string2ID @(KindID "foo") "mmzk_00041061050r3gg28a1c60t3gf" of
-- Left err -> pure ()
-- Right kid -> expectationFailure $ "Parsed TypeID: " ++ show kid

-- describe "Generate type-level TypeID with custom data kind prefixes" do
-- it "can generate TypeID with prefix" do
-- kid <- withCheck $ genID @(KindID 'Post)
-- getPrefix kid `shouldBe` "post"
-- it "can parse TypeID from String" do
-- case string2ID @(KindID User) "user_00041061050r3gg28a1c60t3gf" of
-- Left err -> expectationFailure $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
-- Right kid -> getPrefix kid `shouldBe` "user"
-- it "cannot parse TypeID into wrong prefix" do
-- case string2ID @(KindID Comment) "user_00041061050r3gg28a1c60t3gf" of
-- Left err -> pure ()
-- Right kid -> expectationFailure $ "Parsed TypeID: " ++ show kid
-- it "can generate in batch with same timestamp and in ascending order" do
-- kids <- withChecks $ genIDs @(KindID 'Comment) 1526
-- all ((== "comment") . getPrefix) kids `shouldBe` True
-- let timestamp = getTime $ head kids
-- all ((== timestamp) . getTime) kids `shouldBe` True
-- all (uncurry (<)) (zip kids $ tail kids) `shouldBe` True

-- describe "Binary instance for TypeID and KindID" do
-- it "has correct binary instance for TypeID" do
-- tids <- withChecks $ genIDs @TypeID "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 114
-- forM_ tids \tid -> do
-- let bytes = runPut (put tid)
-- let tid' = runGet get bytes
-- tid' `shouldBe` tid
-- it "has correct binary instance for KindID" do
-- kids <- withChecks $ genIDs @(KindID "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") 114
-- forM_ kids \kid -> do
-- let bytes = runPut (put kid)
-- let kid' = runGet get bytes
-- kid' `shouldBe` kid

-- describe "Storable instance for TypeID and KindID" do
-- it "has correct Storable instance for TypeID" do
-- tids <- withChecks $ genIDs @TypeID "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 114
-- forM_ tids \tid -> do
-- ptr <- new tid
-- tid' <- peek ptr
-- tid' `shouldBe` tid
-- poke ptr tid'
-- tid'' <- peek ptr
-- tid'' `shouldBe` tid'
-- free ptr
-- it "has correct Storable instance for KindID" do
-- kids <- withChecks $ genIDs @(KindID "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") 114
-- forM_ kids \kid -> do
-- ptr <- new kid
-- kid' <- peek ptr
-- kid' `shouldBe` kid
-- poke ptr kid'
-- kid'' <- peek ptr
-- kid'' `shouldBe` kid'
-- free ptr

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