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To incorporate Layer Authentication with Parse user management in your application, you will need to use Parse Cloud Code along with this module. This module takes care of generating a Layer Identity Token, and only requires you to implement a few lines of code.

##Installation If you haven't already, install the Parse command line tool that will let you manage the Parse Cloud Code for your application by following the directions outlined here.

To get the Layer Module, clone this repo, and place it in your Parse Cloud Code Directory in the 'cloud' folder:


###Creating your Cloud Function To use this module in your Parse Cloud Code, you have to require the module and initialize it with the proper IDs and keys.

  1. Start by navigating to the 'keys' folder in the repo you just cloned, and open the layer-key.js file. Copy the Private Key generated through the Layer Developer Portal into this file and save it.
  2. To require this module, open your main.js file and include this code at the top:
var fs = require('fs');
var layer = require('cloud/layer-parse-module/layer-module.js');

Next you must initialize the instance of this module with the proper Provider ID and Key ID generated in your Layer Developer Portal:

var layerProviderID = 'YOUR-PROVIDER ID-HERE';
var layerKeyID = 'YOUR-KEY ID-HERE';
var privateKey = fs.readFileSync('cloud/layer-parse-module/keys/layer-key.js');
layer.initialize(layerProviderID, layerKeyID, privateKey);

Finally, you must create Parse Cloud fundtion to call the layerIdentityToken function in the module. Your Cloud function will look something like this:

Parse.Cloud.define("generateToken", function(request, response) {
	var userID = request.params.userID;
	var nonce = request.params.nonce
	if (!userID) throw new Error('Missing userID parameter');
	if (!nonce) throw new Error('Missing nonce parameter');
    	response.success(layer.layerIdentityToken(userID, nonce));

###Calling your Cloud Function Once you have created the Cloud function with the layer-parse-module, you must call this function from your application and pass it the appropriate parameters (the userID and a nonce). The userID you are looking for is the objectID of the Parse User. Wherever you are requesting a nonce for authentication, your code should look like this:


// Request an authentication nonce from Layer
    [layerClient requestAuthenticationNonceWithCompletion:^(NSString *nonce, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"Authentication nonce %@", nonce);
        // Upon reciept of nonce, post to your backend and acquire a Layer identityToken  
        if (nonce) {
	        PFUser *user = [PFUser currentUser];
	        NSString *userID  = user.objectId;
	        PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:@"generateToken"
	                           withParameters:@{@"nonce" : nonce,
	                                            @"userID" : userID}
	                                    block:^(NSString *token, NSError *error) {
	            if (!error) {
	            	// Send the Identity Token to Layer to authenticate the user
	                [self.layerClient authenticateWithIdentityToken:token completion:^(NSString *authenticatedUserID, NSError *error) {
	                    if (!error) {
	                        NSLog(@"Parse User authenticated with Layer Identity Token");
	                        NSLog(@"Parse User failed to authenticate with token with error: %@", error);
	                NSLog(@"Parse Cloud function failed to be called to generate token with error: %@", error);


	layerClient.registerAuthenticationListener(new LayerAuthenticationListener() {
        public void onAuthenticationChallenge(final LayerClient client, String nonce) {
            Log.d(TAG, "The nonce: " + nonce);

            ParseUser user = ParseUser.getCurrentUser();
            String userID = user.getObjectId();

            // Make a request to your backend to acquire a Layer identityToken
            HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            params.put("userID", userID);
            params.put("nonce", nonce);
            ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("generateToken", params, new FunctionCallback<String>() {
                void done(String token, ParseException e) {
                    if (e == null) {
                    } else {
                        Log.d(TAG, "Parse Cloud function failed to be called to generate token with error: " + e.getMessage());

        public void onAuthenticated(LayerClient client, String userId) {
            Log.d("Successful Auth with userId: " + userId);

        public void onDeauthenticated(LayerClient client) {
            Log.d("Successful Deauth.");

        public void onAuthenticationError(LayerClient client, int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
            Log.d("Error: " + errorMessage);

You are now ready to build you app using Layer!


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