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Getting Started

Kevin edited this page Oct 2, 2024 · 4 revisions

The best way to get started with S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. (or just super) is to test it locally via command line. This allows you to try different super options and view the super.log feedback in real time.

Testing super Locally

  1. Download the main version super from here, or a potentially newer version from the releases page.
  2. Give the downloaded super script file the appropriate execute permissions: sudo chmod a+x ~/Downloads/super
  3. super must run with root permissions, and the test mode is enabled with the --test-mode option:
    sudo ~/Downloads/super --test-mode
  4. The super script automatically installs itself (and various other accoutrements) anytime it's ran from outside its working folder /Library/Management/super/.
  5. After super installs itself, it automatically starts the default macOS minor update workflow in test mode and after a few moments a test "Restart or Defer" dialog should appear.
  6. Clicking "Restart" button does not install a macOS update or restart your computer, but it does show the additional dialogs or notifications as it would appear to the user if a real macOS update was going to be installed.
  7. Once installed, you can use super like any other built-in command line tool. To test a workflow again or try other options, simply start with sudo super followed by any other options in the Terminal.

Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started Tips

  • When super runs it maintains a settings file similar to a regular application. For example, you only need to use the --test-mode option once. After that, every time you run sudo super it remains in test mode until you disable it via the --test-mode-off option.

  • You can continue to use super in test mode to experiment with all the other options without actually installing any part of a workflow or restarting the computer. Even though installations are simulated, all other options (including authentication options) behave as they would in production.

  • You can list all possible super options by using the super --usage option. You can also open your default browser to this super wiki by using the super --help option.

  • The default super (and test mode) workflow only attempts macOS minor updates. Check out the full test mode documentation to try other workflows.

  • If you want to disable super without uninstalling it use sudo super --reset-super --workflow-disable-update-check --workflow-disable-relaunch in the Terminal.

  • To restart super after it has been disabled use sudo super --reset-super along with any other workflow options you want to enable.

  • If you want to uninstall super you can do so via the script in the Super-Friends folder.

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