- Click "Locate" to locate your acclient.exe
- If your client exe is original, click "Create Backup" to backup.
- Click "Apply" on the various patches you'd like to use.
- Click "Commit Changes to Exe" to apply them.
Allow Multiclient
- This allows multiple instances of acclient.exe even when not using decal.
Bypass RenderNormalMode
- This will not render the world.
- This can greatly reduce CPU but doesn't reduce memory usage much.
Pea 4K Res Unlocked
- This patch was developed by Pea.
- Pea has given me persmission to deploy this patch.
- This allows the client to select larger resolutions.
- It does not fix text scaling issues at such high resolutions.
Client::UseTime Disable StartFrame and Draw
- This will not render anything past initial connection. You will only see a black screen.
- It removes almost all CPU/GPU based load but doesn't reduce memory usage much.
- Mouse inputs will still register
- Decal plugins will still run, but do not render.
Tools I use to develop these patches
- AC Client 2013-09 11.4186 for reference
- IDA v6.6 - v6.9 to analyze the exe
- OllyDbg 2.01 to modify the assembly and save a patched exe