Here I will just experiment with the Go language. Creating small games, algorithms or things I find generally interesting.
Simplex, Perlin and Fractal Noise to generate some nice landscapes.
Using fractal or turbulence simplex noise algorithms. Is also using go routines for multithreaded calculations and a mutex implementation to avoid race conditions.
Use KEYS F, L, G, O, C, A to increase Frequency, Lacunarity, Gain, Octaves, Colormode and Algorithm and press SHIFT + KEY to decrease it
Simple Pong clone to learn sdl and go game dev
Using SDL keyboard inputs and a simple collision detection implementation. A simple AI implementation which chases the ball.
Use ARROW KEYS and SPACE to play!
Visualizes recursivly your entered directory and draws a galaxy of planets (Planet size ~ File Size)
It's using a fermat spiral and a circle drawing algorithm (brute force) to draw the planets.
Use KEYS S and B for increase scaling effect and planet size and SHIFT S and SHIFT B to decrease it.
SDL is a very low level graphics library which I use for small prototype games