University Payroll is a website application using Spring Framework that is for maintaining employee information, managing leave, making payments to the academics every month, adding new employees, and deleting employees. It can manage annual and long-service leave as well as record any sick leave. It does have many employees type like full-time, casual (contractual), and Personnel Department. The full-time academic can view their payment details, leave balances, request leave, update academic information, and personal information through Academic Kiosk. The casual academic is paid an hourly rate, will submit timecards that show the dates and hours worked, update academic information, and have no leave entitlements. The application will also deduct taxes from the full-time academics while the casual will choose if the system just does it or they do it on their own. The academics can choose the payment method, the payments can be mailed (as bank cheques) to academics to their email address or can be directly deposited into an academic’s bank account. The application was deployed on the Cloud (via Oracle Cloud)
Spring 5
Spring Boot 2
Java Persistence API - JPA
Spring Email