Source code of my personal web site, available on
- Edit the _config.yml file to customize its settings.
- Edit the _bibliography/references.bib file and introduce your own references. BibTeX and links are automatically generated. Available fields are:
- webpdf: path to the PDF file (recommended assets/pdfs)
- dataset: path to a dataset file (recommended assets/datasets)
- url: URL to the publisher's web page
- poster: path to a poster file (recommended assets/pdfs)
- Edit the _data/projects to customize your projects. It is self-explained.
- Delete the "Videogames" section, most likely you will not need it. Do that editing _data/navigation.yml
- Customize the home page editting _layouts/home.html.
- Add any new section you would need. Copy any file in _pages, and use it as template to edit your own content. Insert the navigation item in _data/navigation.yml
Test site with bundle exec jekyll serve
and build site with bundle exec jekyll build
There are some images in assets/imgs you can use as headers. Use them at your convenience.
This website has been made with Jekyll and the minimal-mistakes theme.