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Repository files navigation


Easily manage files cross platform.

Table of Contents

├─ Dependency Diagram for ManderaGeneral
├─ Installation showing dependencies
├─ Information
├─ Attributes
├─ Contributions
└─ Todo

Dependency Diagram for ManderaGeneral

flowchart LR
0([import]) --> 3([file])
0([import]) --> 2([library])
1([tool]) --> 2([library])
3([file]) --> 4([packager])
2([library]) --> 4([packager])
2([library]) --> 3([file])
click 0 ""
click 1 ""
click 2 ""
click 3 ""
click 4 ""
style 3 stroke:#482

Installation showing dependencies

pip install generalfile generalfile[spreadsheet] generalfile[full]
generalimport ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
generallibrary ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
send2trash ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
appdirs ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
dill ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
pandas ✔️ ✔️


Package Ver Latest Release Python Platform Cover
generalfile 2.5.17 2024-01-24 07:20 CET 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 Windows, Ubuntu 71.9 %


Module: generalfile
├─ Class: CaseSensitivityError
├─ Class: ConfigFile
│  ├─ Method: exists
│  ├─ Method: get_custom_serializers
│  ├─ Method: get_field_dict_serializable
│  ├─ Method: halt_getattr
│  ├─ Method: read_hook_post
│  ├─ Method: read_hook_pre
│  ├─ Method: safe_equals
│  ├─ Method: write_config
│  ├─ Method: write_hook_post
│  └─ Method: write_hook_pre
├─ Class: InvalidCharacterError
└─ Class: Path
   ├─ Class: Path
   ├─ Method: absolute
   ├─ Method: as_renamed
   ├─ Method: as_working_dir
   ├─ Property: cfg
   ├─ Method: contains
   ├─ Method: copy
   ├─ Method: copy_to_folder
   ├─ Method: create_folder
   ├─ Method: delete
   ├─ Method: delete_folder_content
   ├─ Method: empty
   ├─ Method: encode
   ├─ Method: endswith
   ├─ Method: escaped
   ├─ Method: exists
   ├─ Method: forward_slash
   ├─ Method: from_alternative
   ├─ Method: get_active_venv_path
   ├─ Method: get_cache_dir
   ├─ Method: get_differing_files
   ├─ Method: get_lock_dir
   ├─ Method: get_lock_path
   ├─ Method: get_parent_package
   ├─ Method: get_parent_repo
   ├─ Method: get_parent_venv
   ├─ Method: get_working_dir
   ├─ Method: is_absolute
   ├─ Method: is_file
   ├─ Method: is_folder
   ├─ Method: is_identical
   ├─ Method: is_package
   ├─ Method: is_relative
   ├─ Method: is_repo
   ├─ Method: is_root
   ├─ Method: is_venv
   ├─ Method: lock
   ├─ Method: match
   ├─ Method: mirror_path
   ├─ Method: move
   ├─ Method: name
   ├─ Method: open_folder
   ├─ Method: open_operation
   ├─ Method: overwrite_check
   ├─ Method: pack
   ├─ Method: parts
   ├─ Property: pickle
   ├─ Method: read
   ├─ Method: relative
   ├─ Method: remove_end
   ├─ Method: remove_start
   ├─ Method: rename
   ├─ Method: root
   ├─ Method: same_destination
   ├─ Method: scrub
   ├─ Method: seconds_since_creation
   ├─ Method: seconds_since_modified
   ├─ Method: set_working_dir
   ├─ Method: size
   ├─ Method: spawn_children
   ├─ Method: spawn_parents
   ├─ Property: spreadsheet
   ├─ Method: startswith
   ├─ Method: stem
   ├─ Method: suffix
   ├─ Method: suffixes
   ├─ Property: text
   ├─ Method: to_alternative
   ├─ Method: trash
   ├─ Method: trash_folder_content
   ├─ Method: true_stem
   ├─ Method: unpack
   ├─ Method: view_paths
   ├─ Method: with_name
   ├─ Method: with_stem
   ├─ Method: with_suffix
   ├─ Method: with_suffixes
   ├─ Method: with_true_stem
   ├─ Method: without_file
   └─ Method: write


Issue-creation, discussions and pull requests are most welcome!


Module Message Binary extension. Handle custom serializers within iterable for ConfigFile. Support DataFrame and Series with spreadsheet.append() Fix contains() using raw open() Lock the optional extra paths.
Generated 2024-01-24 07:20 CET for commit master.