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Releases: ManiacDC/TypingAid

TypingAid v2.22.0

26 Jun 11:44
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Various Wordlist.txt files may be found here

2.22.0 6/26/2015
Added the ability to exact match on Window Titles (enquote, or tick the checkbox)
** Added Word Replacements. In wordlist.txt, use the form |r|. To define more than one replacement per word, simply add the word again on a different line. If Case Correction is off, the case of the first letter will be changed to match the word being replaced
** Added Word Descriptions. In wordlist.txt, use the form |d|. Replacements and Descriptions are compatible and can exist on the same word. With fixed width fonts, the description will show in a separate column
** Added a setting to control the width of the List Box in pixels
** Added Numpad Enter as an autocomplete key
** Fixed issues with words that had apostrophes (') in them
** Set journal_mode to TRUNCATE so the db journal isn't deleted every time
** Minor performance improvements when loading the wordlist
** Added a progress bar when loading the wordlist
** Added a progress bar when cleaning the wordlist (when exiting the script, the box may appear blank. I think this is because the script is exiting)
** Added framework for database conversions
** Fixed issue with overriding the default font

TypingAid v2.21.1

04 May 17:39
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Various Wordlist.txt files may be found here

2.21.1 5/4/2015
Fixed clicking on a word in the 64-bit version

TypingAid v2.21.0

01 May 19:09
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Various Wordlist.txt files may be found here

2.21.0 5/1/2015
Added the ability to insert a word by clicking on it in the Wordlist (turn of Single Click in the settings to require a double click for insertion)
** Added a setting to sort Learned Words before words in Wordlist.txt
** Added a setting to specify charactes which will terminate the current word, add the character to the end of the word, and permanently learn the word
** Added Setting back in for NumPresses (if set to 2, double hit the number to insert the word)
** Reorganized Settings Window to move more Wordlist Box settings to the Wordlist Box tab
** Changed "Save & Exit" in the settings window to "Save & Close"
** Minor code fixes

TypingAid v2.20.0

09 Apr 12:14
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Various Wordlist.txt files may be found here

2.20.0 4/9/2015
Added a Settings window (thanks to HugoV for doing much of the coding).
** Changed the learned words to use an SQLite3 database backend. This should help with future enhancements
** Changing settings no longer requires a script restart
** Added Active/Inactive Notification Area icons
** Added working Pause functionality
** Detecting Window switches now uses Windows Event Hooks, rather than a timer
** Added weighting based on number of characters left to type
** Changed license to GPLv3 for compatibility with AhkDBA SQLite3 interface
** Added the ability to learn words with no alpha characters when hitting Ctrl-Shift-C, or to read them in from Wordlist.txt
** Fixed Wordlist drawing on the mouse when unable to detect the caret position
** Fixed words not being learned when hitting Ctrl-Shift-C while Learning is off
** Large amounts of code refactoring, including renaming all global variables and fixing function scope
** Fixed having length of 1 not work with ForceNewWordCharacters

TypingAid v2.19.9

18 Dec 14:59
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2.19.9 12/18/2014
Fixed bug when creating TerminatingCharacters when generating preferences file. Broken TerminatingCharacters will be repaired if not already modified.
** Added "Threading" during the input loop to cause less missed keys
** Auto-launch 64 bit exe if present and launching a compiled script (name 64 bit script "64.exe")
** Fixed some poorly named variables

TypingAid v2.19.8

24 Nov 12:43
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2.19.8 11/24/2014
Fixed bug with generation of preferences file
** Fixed sent characters being detected when SendMethod=3

TypingAid v2.19.7

06 Nov 14:57
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2.19.7 11/6/2014
The script is no longer compatible with AHK Basic. Please get the newest version from
** Fixes for Unicode - the script would stop reading the preferences file
** Fixes for how the Defaults.ini works when a Preferences.ini exists
** Consolidation of ini reading code
** Auto-correction of Preferences and Wordlist when swapping to/from Unicode version of AHK

TypingAid v2.19.6

30 Oct 12:13
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2.19.6 10/30/2014
Fix issue with AHK v1.1. Sometimes the script would stop detecting Input.
** Fixes to support Diacritic and Unicode characters.
** Fixes to support alternative keyboard layouts.

TypingAid v2.19.5

07 Oct 16:34
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2.19.5 10/7/2014
Detect when SendPlay will not work and switch to SendInput (SendPlay requires Administrative Rights)
** Added ability to use a Defaults.ini file.