This is Manoj Routhu pursuing gradation in the field of computer science and engineering. I'm Manoj and I'm a senior pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. I am very passionate about Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and Data Science in addition to a leisurely and keen interest in Research. I am actively pursuing several courses on online resources and projects in order to develop my skills. I really enjoy learning languages and frameworks like Python and TensorFlow. I also dabble in web devlopment from time to time.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Open source contributions, NLP projects and expanding my scope.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning more about GANs.
- 👯 I would love to collaborate on ML Projects and Hackathons!
- 📫 feel free to shoot me an mail
- ⚡ Fun fact: Listening music and doing immensed imagination.