A minimal quickfix layout cycler for VIM Marc Weber wants to maintain. See credits below. Additional features might be merged or put into new ropesitories later
After :cope
- make modifiable
- %delete
- readding all quickfix item entries by call append(), this way you can change the formatting, eg choose to not show filenames or vertically align the texts
foo.txt|20| bar error at class
foo-soo-zat.txt|288| import failed
gets rewritte like this:
foo.txt | 20| bar error at class
foo-soo-zat.txt|288| import failed
or this (no file names):
| 20| bar error at class - very long message which only fits in one line if
|288| hide the filename ..
:grep -ri 'something' .
Then put cursor in quickfix window, type \v to cycle layouts
" This declares the defaults, so just add the keys to .vimrc you want to change
let g:vim_addon_qf_layout = {}
let g:vim_addon_qf_layout.quickfix_formatters = [ 'NOP', 'vim_addon_qf_layout#DefaultFormatter', 'vim_addon_qf_layout#FormatterNoFilename', 'vim_addon_qf_layout#Reset' ]
let g:vim_addon_qf_layout.lhs_cycle = '<buffer> \v'
let g:vim_addon_qf_layout.file_name_align_max_width = 60
" Optionally you can define your own mappings like this:
noremap \no_filenames call vim_addon_qf_layout#ReformatWith('vim_addon_qf_layout#FormatterNoFilename')<cr>
Credits to Alex Leferry 2 (alexherbo2 TA gmail.com) who showed me the initial implementation and the idea.
His updated version might appear here: https://github.com/alexherbo2/vim_addon_qf_layout.vim
His original version: https://bitbucket.org/alexherbo2/dotfiles/src/09080c78ca0c15aeda428cffb98c18c24ed081c0/dead_scripts/quickfix.vim?at=master
Features his original version provides:
- set col of cursor
- on :cope jump to nearest line
- drop columns automatically if lines get too long, eg start by hiding the filename (do this by providing a new formatter function)
- provide a sample how to use ruby/python or such?
- set quickfix size to number of lines? maybe some more
- limit cols cursor can use