This is an implementation of a scalable day trading application for UVic's Scalable Systems offering (SENG 468).
docker compose up
will get the server running. It expects your computer has 16GB of ram and allocates memory between containers accordingly. The frontend will be available at http://localhost:80
There are downloadable binaries for the CLI on the releases pages. cli --help
will display available commands.
NextJS React Application
graph TD
WebBrowser[Web Browser]
NextServer[Next Server]
CLI[CLI + Load Tester]
TransactionServer[Transaction Server]
DB[Postgres Database]
QSA[Quote Server Adaptor]
UQS[Uvic Quote Server]
WebBrowser -->|requests| NextServer
NextServer -->|html + js + css| WebBrowser
NextServer <-->|gRPC calls| DistributionServer
CLI <--> |gRPC calls| DistributionServer
DistributionServer <--> |gRPC calls| TransactionServer
TransactionServer --> |gRPC calls| QSA
DB --> |user data| TransactionServer
TransactionServer --> |updates and queries| DB
QSA <-->|TCP socket| UQS
trader {
double balance
user_id text
stock {
text owner_id
text stock_symbol
double amount
trader ||--|{ stock : owns
sell_trigger {
text owner_id
text stock_symbol
amount_stock double
trigger_price double
trader ||--|{ sell_trigger : has
buy_trigger {
text owner_id
text stock_symbol
amount_dollars double
trigger_price double
trader ||--|{ buy_trigger : has
queued_sell {
text owner_id
text stock_symbol
double amount_dollars
double quoted_price
timestamp time_created
trader ||--|| queued_sell : has
queued_buy {
text owner_id
text stock_symbol
double amount_dollars
double quoted_price
timestamp time_created
trader ||--|| queued_buy : has
log_entry {
timestamp timestamp
text server
int transaction_num
text username
jsonb log
With an AMD Ryzen 9 3900X with 32GB of ram running docker compose -f v2.docker-compose.yml up
and then running the CLI on the largest load test file one can get thier hands on it pushes past 20 000 requests per second without fully loading the CPU!
<error_message>No buy trigger set</error_message>