To preview the robot visually in rviz, you can make navigate to the catkin environment and run the following commands
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch bartending_robot display.launch
We currently have two (2) motion planning scripts. Why? There's one for picking a bottle up from the right hand side, and one for the left. Still WIP! They need to be combined into one.
In the meantime, here's how to run them:
- Open a terminal tab and run
cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
make bringup
- Open a second terminal tab and run
source devel/setup.bash
make execution
- To pick and pour from either side,
- Right hand side
catkin_ws/src/ur5e_gripper_gazebo/moveit python3
- Left hand side
catkin_ws/src/ur5e_gripper_gazebo/moveit python3
NOTE: We do not know yet how to pick up bottles in simulation.