This problem is concerned with analyzing immigration data trends on H1B (H-1B, H-1B1, E-3) visa application processing over the past few years. The main goal of this assignment is to identify the following 2 metrics: 1) top 10 occupations and 2) top 10 states with the greatest number of approved H1B visas. The data is taken from the US Department of Labor and more specifically from its Office of Foreign Labor Certification Performance Data. The approved visas are marked as "certified" in the available data files.
Input Format: The input file is a CSV file that contains various types of information about each H1B visa application and all the entries are separated by a semicolon (";"). The first line of the input file contains the column names. For example, if the input file contains the following data:
0;I-200-18026-338377;CERTIFIED;2018-01-29;2018-02-02;H-1B;2018-07-28;2021-07-27;MICROSOFT CORPORATION;;1 MICROSOFT WAY;REDMOND;WA;98052;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;4258828080;;N;",";;;SOFTWARE ENGINEER;15-1132;"SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, APPLICATIONS";51121.0;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;Y;112549.0;Year;Level II;OES;2017.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;143915.0;0.0;Year;N;N;;;;REDMOND;KING;WA;98052;
1;I-200-17296-353451;CERTIFIED;2017-10-23;2017-10-27;H-1B;2017-11-06;2020-11-06;ERNST & YOUNG U.S. LLP;;200 PLAZA DRIVE;SECAUCUS;NJ;07094;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;2018723003;;Y;"BRADSHAW, MELANIE";TORONTO;;TAX SENIOR;13-2011;ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS;541211.0;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;Y;79976.0;Year;Level II;OES;2017.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;100000.0;0.0;Year;N;N;;;;SANTA CLARA;SAN JOSE;CA;95110;
2;I-200-18242-524477;CERTIFIED;2018-08-30;2018-09-06;H-1B;2018-09-10;2021-09-09;LOGIXHUB LLC;;320 DECKER DRIVE;IRVING;TX;75062;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;2145419305;;N;",";;;DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR;15-1141;DATABASE ADMINISTRATORS;541511.0;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;Y;77792.0;Year;Level II;OES;2018.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;78240.0;0.0;Year;N;N;;;;IRVING;DALLAS;TX;75062;
3;I-200-18070-575236;CERTIFIED;;2018-03-30;H-1B;2018-09-10;2021-09-09;"HEXAWARE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.";;101 WOOD AVENUE SOUTH;ISELIN;NJ;08830;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;6094096950;;Y;"DUTOT, CHRISTOPHER";TROY;MI;SOFTWARE ENGINEER;15-1132;"SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, APPLICATIONS";541511.0;5;5;0;0;0;0;0;Y;84406.0;Year;Level II;OES;2017.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;84406.0;85000.0;Year;Y;N;Y;;;NEW CASTLE;NEW CASTLE;DE;19720;
4;I-200-18243-850522;CERTIFIED;2018-08-31;2018-09-07;H-1B;2018-09-07;2021-09-06;"ECLOUD LABS,INC.";;120 S WOOD AVENUE;ISELIN;NJ;08830;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;7327501323;;Y;"ALLEN, THOMAS";EDISON;NJ;MICROSOFT DYNAMICS CRM APPLICATION DEVELOPER;15-1132;"SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, APPLICATIONS";541511.0;1;0;0;0;0;0;1;Y;87714.0;Year;Level III;OES;2018.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;95000.0;0.0;Year;Y;N;Y;Y;;BIRMINGHAM;SHELBY;AL;35244;
5;I-200-18142-939501;CERTIFIED;2018-05-22;2018-05-29;H-1B;2018-05-29;2021-05-28;OBERON IT;;1404 W WALNUT HILL LN;IRVING;TX;75038;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;8666609190;;Y;"GARRITSON, JAMES";RICHARDSON;TX;SENIOR SYSTEM ARCHITECT;15-1132;"SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, APPLICATIONS";541511.0;1;0;0;0;0;0;1;Y;71864.0;Year;Level II;Other;2017.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;74000.0;0.0;Year;Y;N;Y;;;SUNRISE;BROWARD;FL;33323;
6;I-200-18121-552858;CERTIFIED;2018-05-01;2018-05-07;H-1B;2018-05-02;2018-10-26;ICONSOFT INC.;;101 CAMBRIDGE STREET SUITE 360;BURLINGTON;MA;01803;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;8882054614;1;N;",";;;SENIOR ORACLE ADF DEVELOPER;15-1132;"SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, APPLICATIONS";541511.0;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;Y;92331.0;Year;Level III;Other;2017.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;114000.0;0.0;Year;Y;N;Y;;;JACKSONVILLE;DUVAL COUNTY;FL;32202;
7;I-200-18215-849606;CERTIFIED;2018-08-03;2018-08-09;H-1B;2018-08-11;2021-08-11;COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS US CORP;;211 QUALITY CIRCLE;COLLEGE STATION;TX;77845;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;2019661249;;N;",";;;SENIOR SYSTEMS ANALYST JC60;15-1121;COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANALYST;541512.0;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;Y;80579.0;Year;Level II;OES;2018.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;80579.0;0.0;Year;Y;N;Y;;;OWINGS MILLS;BALTIMORE;MD;21117;
8;I-201-17339-472823;CERTIFIED;2017-12-08;2017-12-14;H-1B1 Chile;2017-12-08;2019-06-07;ISHI SYSTEMS INC;;185 HUDSON STREET;JERSEY CITY;NJ;07311;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;2013326900;;N;",";;;ASSOCIATE PRODUCT MANAGER(15-1199.09);15-1199;"COMPUTER OCCUPATIONS, ALL OTHER";541511.0;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;Y;88317.0;Year;Level III;OES;2017.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;90000.0;0.0;Year;;;;;;JERSEY CITY;HUDSON;NJ;07311;
9;I-200-18233-239931;CERTIFIED;2018-08-21;2018-08-27;H-1B;2018-09-05;2021-09-04;"WB SOLUTIONS, LLC";;7320 E FLETCHER AVE;TAMPA;FL;33637;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;;8133300099;;Y;"KIDAMBI, VAMAN";TRUMBULL;CT;SENIOR JAVA DEVELOPER;15-1132;"SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS, APPLICATIONS";541511.0;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;Y;104790.0;Year;Level III;OES;2018.0;OFLC ONLINE DATA CENTER;105000.0;0.0;Year;Y;N;Y;Y;;ALPHARETTA;FULTON;GA;30005;
the output files should be:
Implementation Description: The algorithm used to obtain the top 10 occupations and top 10 states is implemented in Java and can be summarized in the following steps:
Read the first line of the input file and convert it to a string array. Identify which array index correspnds to the occupation, status, and worksite state. Since the columns are labeled differently in each data file, it is assumed that the column name for the occupation will contain the words "soc" and "name", the column name for the worksite state will contain the words "work" and "state", and the column name for the certification status will contain the word "status". In addition, in the case where the input data contains multiple worksite states, only the data associated with the first column will be considered.
Create two hashmaps and a variable to count the total number of certified visas. The first hashmap will have the occupation as a key and the total number of certified applications associated with that occupation as a value. Similarly, the second hashmap will have the worksite state as a key and the total number of certified applications associated with that state as a value. Read the remaining input file line by line and update the hashmap key-value pairs. If the application is certified and the hashmap already contains a key with the current occupation or state, increase the corresponding value by 1. If the application is certified and the hashmap does not contain an entry for that occupation or state, create a new entry with a value of 1.
In order to filter out the top 10 occupations and states, create a min priority queue. Traverse the key-value pairs from the hashmaps and add them together with the calculated percentage as a customized data type to the priority queue. Each time the size of the priority queue exceeds the 10, remove the minimum element from the queue.
Transfer the data from the priority queue in reverse order into an array and output the array entries.
Runtime Complexity: The average runtime complexity of this algorithm is O(n), where n is the number of rows in the input data file.
The code was tested on MAC OS X version 10.11.6 and using Java 8 JDK. The file contains the script necessary to compile and execute the code. To execute run the following command in the terminal: