Back Office épreuve Geocaching Jeux De Sophia
[Work In Progress]
- Mongodb v3.2+
- NodeJS (LTS 8.11 min) & optional use of NVM (
git clone
cd GeocachingJDS && npm install
First copy your dump folder named 'geocaching_jds_prd' (wich contain bsons and .gz files) inside the folder dump_mongodb. The database will be automatically populated.
Install with : docker-compose run --rm parse npm install
when you update package.json you need to re-run this command.
Then just go with: docker-compose up -d --build
The website is running at http://localhost:1337
The parse dashboard at http://localhost:4040
- We recommend using PM2 from
- Edit file
and change settings accordingly to your installation (contact me for the missing file, or read the PM2 documentation) - Run
pm2 start ecosystem.json —watch
- You can use
pm2 monit
/pm2 ls
/pm2 stop all
/pm2 delete all
/pm2 start all
/ ... - View logs:
pm2 logs
- Clearing logs:
pm2 flush
Connect to Mongo cli : mongo
then choose your db with: show dbs
then use db_name
and connect with db.auth('user', 'password');
First delete olds files: db.fs.files.remove({"uploadDate": {$lt : ISODate("2018-06-06T20:32:13.743Z")}});
Or delete big files: db.fs.files.remove({"length": {$gt : 3000000}});
> 3 Mo
Then in a mongo shell:
function removeChunkIfNoOwner(chunk){
//Look for the parent file
var parentCount = db.fs.files.find({'_id' : chunk.files_id}).count();
if (parentCount === 0 ){
db.fs.chunks.remove({'_id': chunk._id});
print("Removing chunk " + chunk._id);
Select your database and remove orphaned chunks: db.fs.chunks.find().forEach(removeChunkIfNoOwner);
mongodump --username 'user' --password 'password' --db geocaching_jds_prd --gzip
Pull requests or other contributions are welcome
Marius (@mezphotos)