Hi! The purpose of this repo is to generate a large amount of AD Users for testing. Feel free to 'fork off' and do as you please with this code! PR's are also very welcomed too, of course!!
On a Windows Domain Controller, or other server that has the ablity to Import the 'ActiveDirectory' module.
iex (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MartynKeigher/ADUser_Generator/main/ADUserGenerator.ps1'); ADUser-Generation -Company 'MyCompany'
- Company : This value must be provided.
- AreaCode : (for telephone number) If one is not specified, the default value used is '727'.
- OU : If one is not specified, the default value used is 'Staff'.
- UserCount : If one is not specified, the default value used is 15.
- Min value: 1; Max value: 1500
- I limited this to 1500, as this was a suitable number for my tests. There is no functional reason why this could not be made higher if you needed it to be? - Let me know how that works out for you!? Should be fine!
Retrieved from files in this repo, I'll update them from time to time, but not making any promises ;p
- FirstNames.csv
- LastNames.csv
While the code works... it needs work! Here is my list of stuff I plan on adding to it...
- Create a security group for each department
- then, add users to their dept's sec group.
- Create a distribution group for each department
- then, add users to their dept's distro group.
- Create a security group for each 'position' within each department
- then, add users based on position\dept to those groups.
- Create a distribution group for each 'position' within each department
- then, add users based on position\dept to those groups.
- Assign Managers to users within departments.
Randomize the enabled\disabled state of the user accounts.Currently, they are all enabled.