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tools4powershell is a collection of some useful functions for powershell

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tools4powershell is a collection of some useful functions for powershell :)

pscat - concatenate files and print on the standard output

Usage: pscat [-h|--help] [-n] [input ...]
Concatenate input(s), or standard input, to standard output.

  -e encoding    encoding for get-content called internally
  -n             number all output lines

psgrep - print lines matching a pattern

Usage: psgrep [-h|--help] [-v] [-i] regex [input ...]
Search for regex in each input or standard input.

  -v             select non-matching lines
  -i             ignore case distinctions
  -e encoding    encoding for get-content called internally

pswcl - print newline counts for each file

Usage: pswcl [-h|--help] [input ...]
Print newline counts for each input, and a total line if more than one input is specified.

  -e encoding        encoding for get-content called internally

pssed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text

Usage: pssed [-h|--help] regex string [input ...]
For each substring matching regex in each lines from input, substitute the string.

  -e encoding        encoding for get-content called internally

pshead - output the first part of files

Usage: pshead [-h|--help] [-l line_number] [input ...]
Print the first 10 lines of each input to standard output.
With no input, read standard input.

  -l line_number        print the first line_number lines instead of the first 10
  -e encoding           encoding for get-content called internally

pstail - output the last part of files

Usage: pstail [-h|--help] [-l line_number] [input ...]
Print the last 10 lines of each input to standard output.
With no input, read standard input.

  -l line_number        print the last line_number lines instead of the last 10
  -e encoding           encoding for get-content called internally

pscut - remove sections from each line of files

Usage: pscut [-h|--help] [-d "delimiter"] -i "index,..." [input ...]
Print selected parts of lines from each input to standard output.
With no input, read standard input.

  -d "delimiter"        use "delimiter" instead of "," for field delimiter
  -i "index,..."        select only these fields(0 origin)
  -e encoding           encoding for get-content called internally

pstee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files

Usage: pstee [-h|--help] [output ...]
Copy standard input to each output, and also to standard output.

psuniq - report or omit repeated lines

Usage: psuniq [-h|--help] [-d|-c] [input ...]
Filter adjacent matching lines from input (or standard input),
writing to standard output.
With no options, matching lines are merged to the first occurrence.

  -d             only print duplicate lines
  -c             prefix lines by the number of occurrences
  -e encoding    encoding for get-content called internally

psjoin - join lines of two files on a common field

Usage: psjoin [-h|--help] [-d "delimiter"] [-1 "index,..."] [-2 "index,..."] [-a [m|1|2|12|21]] [-m [1|2]] [-e1 encoding] [-e2 encoding] input1 input2
For each pair of input lines with identical join fields, write a line to
standard output.  The default join field is the first, delimited by ",".

  -d "delimiter"        use "delimiter" as input and output field separator instead of ","
  -1 "index,..."        join on this index(s) of file 1 (default 0)
  -2 "index,..."        join on this index(s) of file 2 (default 0)
  -a m                  write only matching lines (default)
     1                  write only unpairable lines from input1
     2                  write only unpairable lines from input2
     12                 write all lines from input1 and matching lines from input2
     21                 write all lines from input2 and matching lines from input1
  -m [1|2]              specify input which has multiple join fields
  -e1 encoding          encoding for file 1(default 0 means Default)
  -e2 encoding          encoding for file 2(default 0 means Default)

psxls2csv - convert excel to csv

Usage: psxls2csv [-h|--help] [-i input] [-s sheet] [-o [output|-]]
Convert specified excel sheet to csv.
If input is not specified, all excel files in current directory will be converted.
If output is not specified, input will be converted into same filename, but with extention ".csv".
If "-" is specified for "-o" option, input will be converted into stdout.

  -e encoding       encoding for get-content called internally

  If input is not specified and output is specified, only last excel sheet in current directory will remain in output file.

psxls2sheetname - get sheetname from excel book

Usage: psxls2sheetname [-h|--help] [-i input] [-s sheet]
Print sheet name identified by sheet.
If sheet is omitted, print all sheet names.

psprint - print arguments to standard output

Usage: psprint [-h|--help] [arg ...]
Print arguments to standard output.

pstmpfile - get temporary file

Usage: pstmpfile [-h|--help]
Print temporary file path to standard output.

psabspath - get absolute file path

Usage: psabspath [-h|--help] file
Print absolute file path for file to standard output.

psreadpassword - get password safely from console

Usage: psreadpassword [-h|--help]
Get password safely from console and decrypt and print it to console.

psconwrite - output arguments to console without newline

Usage: psconwrite [-h|--help] [arg ...]
Print arguments to console without newline.

psconwriteline - output arguments to console with newline

Usage: psconwriteline [-h|--help] [arg ...]
Print arguments to console with newline.

psconreadline - read from console

Usage: psconreadline [-h|--help]
Read line and print it to console with newline.

psopen - Open IO.Stream

Usage: psopen [-h|--help] [[-r|-w|-a] [inputfile|output]] [-e encoding]
Open IO.Stream and get object.
ex. Handle as text
  $inObj = psopen -r "input.txt"
  $outObj = psopen -w "output.txt"
  while (($rec = $inObj.readLine()) -ne $null){
ex. Handle data as binary
  $arrayByte = New-Object byte[] (1024)
  $inObj = psopen -r "input.txt"
  $outObj = psopen -w "output.txt"
  $read_length = $inObj.BaseStream.Read($arrayByte, 0, $arrayByte.length)
  while ($read_length -gt 0){
      $outObj.BaseStream.Write($arrayByte, 0, $read_length)
      $read_length = $inObj.BaseStream.Read($arrayByte, 0, $arrayByte.length)

psconvenc - Convert encoding of text file

Usage: psconvenc -i inputfile -ie encoding -o outputfile -oe encoding

psexcel_open - Open excel_file and get excel_object for it

Usage: psexcel_open excel_file
Open excel_file and get excel_object for it.
    $xls = psexcel_open "Foo.xlsx"

psexcel_update - Save by overwrite

Usage: psexcel_update excel_object
Save by overwrite.
    psexcel_update $xls

psexcel_save - Save into excel_file

Usage: psexcel_save excel_object excel_file
Save into excel_file.
    psexcel_save $xls "Foo.xlsx"

psexcel_close - Close excel file by excel_object

Usage: psexcel_close excel_object
Close excel file by excel_object.
    psexcel_close $xls

psexcel_getCell - Get value from range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_getCell excel_object sheet range
Get value from range on sheet.
    $val1 = psexcel_getCell $xls "Sheet1" "A1"
    $val2 = psexcel_getCell $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_setCell Set value on range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_setCell excel_object sheet range value
Set value on range on sheet.
    psexcel_setCell $xls "Sheet1" "A1" "some text"
    psexcel_setCell $xls 2 "C3" "=A1+B2"

psexcel_getFormula - Get formula from range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_getFormula excel_object sheet range
Get formula from range on sheet.
    $f1 = psexcel_getFormula $xls "Sheet1" "A1"
    $f2 = psexcel_getFormula $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_setFormula - Set formula on range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_setFormula excel_object sheet range formula
Set formula on range on sheet.
    psexcel_setFormula $xls "Sheet1" "A1" "=A1+B2"
    psexcel_setFormula $xls 2 "B2" "=C3+D4"

psexcel_getBackgroundColor - Get index of background color from range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_getBackgroundColor excel_object sheet range
Get index of background color from range on sheet.
    $colIndex1 = psexcel_getBackgroundColor $xls "Sheet1" "A1"
    $colIndex2 = psexcel_getBackgroundColor $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_setBackgroundColor - Set background color to color_index on range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_setBackgroundColor excel_object sheet range color_index
Set background color to color_index on range on sheet.
    psexcel_setBackgroundColor $xls "Sheet1" "A1" 1
    psexcel_setBackgroundColor $xls 2 "B2" 3

psexcel_getForegroundColor Get index of foreground color from range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_getForegroundColor excel_object sheet range
Get index of foreground color from range on sheet.
    $colIndex1 = psexcel_getForegroundColor $xls "Sheet1" "A1"
    $colIndex2 = psexcel_getForegroundColor $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_setForegroundColor - Set foreground color to color_index on range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_setForegroundColor excel_object sheet range color_index
Set foreground color to color_index on range on sheet.
    psexcel_setForegroundColor $xls "Sheet1" "A1" 1
    psexcel_setForegroundColor $xls 2 "B2" 3

psexcel_getBold - Get $true or $false about bold from range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_getBold excel_object sheet range
Get $true or $false about bold from range on sheet.
    $boolean1 = psexcel_getBold $xls "Sheet1" "A1"
    $boolean2 = psexcel_getBold $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_turnonBold - Turn on bold on range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_turnonBold excel_object sheet range
Turn on bold on range on sheet.
    psexcel_turnonBold $xls "Sheet1" "A1"
    psexcel_turnonBold $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_turnoffBold - Turn off bold on range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_turnoffBold excel_object sheet range
Turn off bold on range on sheet.
    psexcel_turnoffBold $xls "Sheet1" "A1
    psexcel_turnoffBold $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_toggleBold - Toggle bold on range on sheet

Usage: psexcel_toggleBold excel_object sheet range
Toggle bold on range on sheet.
    psexcel_toggleBold $xls "Sheet1" "A1"
    psexcel_toggleBold $xls 2 "B2"

psexcel_getSheetCount - Get count of sheets

Usage: psexcel_getSheetCount excel_object
Get count of sheets.
    $sc = psexcel_getSheetCount $xls

psexcel_getSheetName - Get name of sheet

Usage: psexcel_getSheetName excel_object sheet
Get name of sheet.
    $sn = psexcel_getSheetName $xls 2

psexcel_setSheetName - Set name of sheet

Usage: psexcel_setSheetName excel_object sheet name
Set name of sheet.
    psexcel_setSheetName $xls "Sheet1" "SHEET1"
    psexcel_setSheetName $xls 2 "SHEET2"

psexcel_getActiveSheetName Get name of active sheet

Usage: psexcel_getActiveSheetName excel_object
Get name of active sheet.
    $sn = psexcel_getActiveSheetName $xls

psexcel_setActiveSheetName - Set name of active sheet

Usage: psexcel_setActiveSheetName excel_object name
Set name of active sheet.
     psexcel_setActiveSheetName $xls "SHEET1"

psexcel_copyCell - Copy range of cell to another cell

Usage: psexcel_copyCell excel_object source_sheet source_range dest_sheet dest_cell
Copy range of cell to another cell.
    psexcel_copyCell $xls "Sheet1" "A1:C3" "sheet2" "D4"
    psexcel_copyCell $xls 1 "A1:C3" 2 "D4"

psexcel_replaceString - Replace string to another string

Usage: psexcel_replaceString excel_object sheet range before_string after_string
Replace string to another string.
    psexcel_replaceString $xls "Sheet1" "A1:C3" "#1#" "Hoge"
    psexcel_replaceString $xls 1 "A1:C3" "#1#" "Hoge"

psexcel_preview - Print preview sheet

Usage: psexcel_preview excel_object sheet
Print preview sheet.
    psexcel_preview $xls "Sheet1"
    psexcel_preview $xls 2

psexcel_print - Print sheet

Usage: psexcel_print excel_object sheet
Print sheet.
    psexcel_print $xls "Sheet1"
    psexcel_print $xls 2

psexcel_turnonVisible - Turn on visible

Usage: psexcel_turnonVisible excel_object
Turn on visible.
    psexcel_turnonVisible $xls

psexcel_turnoffVisible - Turn off visible

Usage: psexcel_turnoffVisible excel_object
Turn off visible.
    psexcel_turnoffVisible $xls

psexcel_turnonAlert - Turn on displayAlerts

Usage: psexcel_turnonAlert excel_object
Turn on displayAlerts.
    psexcel_turnonAlert $xls

psexcel_turnoffAlert - Turn off displayAlerts

Usage: psexcel_turnoffAlert excel_object
Turn off displayAlerts.
    psexcel_turnoffAlert $xls

psprov - Print formatted data with overlay

Usage: psprov [-p] [-d "DELIMITER"] -o OVERLAY.XLS [-i INPUT.CSV] -f FORMAT.TXT
Print formatted data with overlay

  -p                    preview mode.
  -d "DELIMITER"        use DELIMITER instead of comma for INPUT.CSV.
  -o OVERLAY.XLS        overlay definition by excel.
  -i INPUT.CSV          input data in csv format. If omitted then read stdin.
  -f FORMAT.TXT         format definition for INPUT.CSV.
                        each line should have like "A1=1"
                        "A1=1" means "A1" cell in OVERLAY.XLS should be setted to "1st column" in INPUT.CSV

psoracle_open - Connect to oracle

Usage: psoracle_open oracle_ip_address username password
Connect to oracle.
    $ocon = psoracle_open "" "taro" "himitsu"

psoracle_close - Disconnect from oracle

Usage: psoracle_close oracle_connection
Disconnect from oracle.
    psoracle_close $ocon

psoracle_createsql - Create SQL object with bind parameter

Usage: psoracle_createsql oracle_connection sql_command
Create SQL object with bind parameter.
    $ocmd = psoracle_createsql $ocon "select * from table where id=:id_value"
    ... something to do ...
    psoracle_free $ocmd

psoracle_bindsql - Bind real value to bind variable

Usage: psoracle_bindsql oracle_command name value
Bind real value to bind variable.
    $id_value = psoracle_bindsql $ocmd "id_value" "12345"

psoracle_unbindsql - Unbind bind variable

Usage: psoracle_unbindsql oracle_command bind_object
Unbind bind variable.
    psoracle_unbindsql $ocmd $id_value

psoracle_execupdatesql - Exuceute SQL with update

Usage: psoracle_execupdatesql oracle_command
Exuceute SQL with update.
    $count = psoracle_execupdatesql $ocmd
    if ($count -lt 0){
        write-output "Error: update SQL"

psoracle_execsql - Exuceute SQL without update

Usage: psoracle_execsql oracle_command
Exuceute SQL without update.
    $ocr = psoracle_execsql $ocmd
    ... something to do ...
    psoracle_free $ocr

psoracle_fetch - Fetch row

Usage: psoracle_fetch ([Ref]oracle_reader)
Fetch row.
    while (psoracle_fetch ([Ref]$ocr)){
        write-output $ocr["id"]

psoracle_free - Free object for oracle access

Usage: psoracle_free oracle_object
Free object for oracle access.
    psoracle_free $ocr
    psoracle_free $ocmd

psoracle_begin - Begin transaction

Usage: psoracle_begin oracle_connection
Begin transaction.
    $otran = psoracle_begin $ocon

psoracle_settran - Set transaction for oracle command

Usage: psoracle_settran oracle_command oracle_transaction
Set transaction for oracle command.
    psoracle_settran $ocmd $otran

psoracle_rollback - rollback transaction

Usage: psoracle_rollback oracle_transaction
Rollback transaction.
    psoracle_rollback $otran

psoracle_commit - commit transaction

Usage: psoracle_commit oracle_transaction
Commit transaction.
    psoracle_commit $otran

pssock_open - Open socket for client

Usage: pssock_open server_ip server_port [encoding]
Open socket for client.
    $param = pssock_open "" "12345" "UTF-8"

pssock_close - Close socket for client

Usage: pssock_close socket_param
Close socket for client.
    pssock_close $param

pssock_readline - Read a line from socket

Usage: pssock_readline socket_param
Read a line from socket.
    $line = pssock_readline $param

pssock_writeline - Write a line to socket

Usage: pssock_writeline socket_param string
Write a line to socket.
    $stat = pssock_writeline $param $line

pssock_read - Read data as binary from socket

Usage: pssock_read socket_param array_byte length
Read data as binary from socket.
    $arrayByte = New-Object byte[] (1024)
    $read_length = pssock_read $param $arrayByte $arrayByte.length

pssock_write - Write data as binary to socket

Usage: pssock_write socket_param array_byte length
Write data as binary to socket.
    $arrayByte = New-Object byte[] (1024)
    $stat = pssock_write $param $arrayByte $arrayByte.length

pssock_start - Start server

Usage: pssock_start server_port
Start server.
    $server = pssock_start "12345"

pssock_stop - Stop server

Usage: pssock_stop server
Stop server.
    pssock_stop $server

pssock_accept - Accept connection from client

Usage: pssock_accept server [encoding]
Accept connection from client.
    $param = pssock_accept $server "UTF-8"

pssock_accept - Unaccept(disconnect) connection from client

Usage: pssock_unaccept socket_param
Unaccept(disconnect) connection from client.
    pssock_unaccept $param

pssock_getip - Get ip-address of client

Usage: pssock_getip socket_param
Get ip-address of client.
    $ip = pssock_getip $param

pssock_getipstr - Get ip-address string of client

Usage: pssock_getipstr socket_param
Get ip-address string of client.
    $ip = pssock_getipstr $param

pssock_getport - Get port of client

Usage: pssock_getport socket_param
Get port of client.
    $ip = pssock_getport $param

pssock_getportstr - Get port string of client

Usage: pssock_getportstr socket_param
Get port string of client.
    $ip = pssock_getportstr $param

psrunspc_getarraylist - Get System.Collections.ArrayList

Usage: psrunspc_getarraylist
Get System.Collections.ArrayList.
    $refArray = psrunspc_getarraylist
    $Array0 = $ref.Array.value[0]

psrunspc_open - Create and Open RunSpacePool

Usage: psrunspc_open max_runspace
Create and Open RunSpacePool.
    $rsp = psrunspc_open 10
    ... something to do ...
    psrunspc_close $rsp

psrunspc_close - Close RunSpacePool

Usage: psrunspc_close run_space_pool
Close RunSpacePool.
    $rsp = psrunspc_open 10
    ... something to do ...
    psrunspc_close $rsp

psrunspc_createthread - Create thread of powershell and add script to it

Usage: psrunspc_createthread run_space_pool script_block
Create thread of powershell and add script to it.
    $ps = psrunspc_createthread $rsp $script

psrunspc_addargument - Add argument to thread of powershell

Usage: psrunspc_addargument thread_of_powershellargument
Add argument to thread of powershell.
    psrunspc_addargument $argument

psrunspc_begin - Begin script in thread

Usage: psrunspc_begin thread_of_powershell arraylist_of_powershell arraylist_of_child
Begin script in thread.
    $refAryps = psrunspc_getarraylist
    $refArych = psrunspc_getarraylist
    ... something to do ...
    psrunspc_begin $ps $refAryps.value $refArych.value

psrunspc_wait - Wait terminate of all child thread

Usage: psrunspc_wait arraylist_of_powershell arraylist_of_child
Wait terminate of all child thread.
    psrunspc_wait $refAryps.value $refArych.value

psrunspc_waitasync - Wait asynchronously terminate of all child thread

Usage: psrunspc_waitasync arraylist_of_powershell arraylist_of_child
Wait asynchronously terminate of all child thread.
    psrunspc_waitasync $refAryps.value $refArych.value

psrpa_init - Initialize rpa environment

Usage: psrpa_init
Initialize rpa environment.
    $rpa = psrpa_init

psrpa_setBeforeWait - Set a time(ms) for waiting before functions(psrpa_*)

Usage: psrpa_setBeforeWait rpa_object wait_time_ms
Set a time(ms) for waiting before functions(psrpa_*).

psrpa_setAfterWait - Set a time(ms) for waiting after functions(psrpa_*)

Usage: psrpa_setAfterWait rpa_object wait_time_ms
Set a time(ms) for waiting after functions(psrpa_*).

psrpa_showMouse - Show current mouse position for debug purpose

Usage: psrpa_showMouse rpa_object
Show current mouse position for debug purpose.

psrpa_showMouseByClick - Show current mouse position for psrpa_setMouse and psrpa_clickPoint by click

Usage: psrpa_showMouseByClick rpa_object [wait_sec]
Show current mouse position for psrpa_setMouse and psrpa_clickPoint by click.
Press any key to terminate.
    wait_sec    default 5
    $wait_sec = 10
    psrpa_showMouseByClick $rpa $wait_sec

psrpa_setMouse - Set mouse position

Usage: psrpa_setMouse rpa_object x_position y_position
Set mouse position.
    $x = 10
    $y = 20
    psrpa_setMouse $rpa $x $y

psrpa_click - Click mouse button

Usage: psrpa_click rpa_object mouse_button click_action
Click mouse button.
    mouse_button left, LEFT, l, L
                 middle, MIDDLE, m, M
                 right, RIGHT, r, R
    click_action click, CLICK, 1
                 2click, 2CLICK, 2
                 3click, 3CLICK, 3
                 down, DOWN, d, D
                 up, UP, u, U
    psrpa_click $rpa "left" "click"

psrpa_clickPoint - Set mouse position and click mouse button

Usage: psrpa_clickPoint rpa_object x_position y_position mouse_button click_action
Set mouse position and click mouse button.
    mouse_button left, LEFT, l, L
                 middle, MIDDLE, m, M
                 right, RIGHT, r, R
    click_action click, CLICK, 1
                 2click, 2CLICK, 2
                 3click, 3CLICK, 3
                 down, DOWN, d, D
                 up, UP, u, U
    $x = 10
    $y = 20
    psrpa_clickPoint $rpa $x $y "left" "click"

psrpa_showAppTitle - Show application and title

Usage: psrpa_showAppTitle rpa_object
Show application and title.

psrpa_activateWindow - Activate specified window

Usage: psrpa_activateWindow rpa_object application title
Activate specified window
    application    "" means "^$", $null means "^.*$"
    title          "" means "^$", $null means "^.*$"
    $application = "notepad"
    $title = "no title - memo pad"
    psrpa_activateWindow $rpa $application $title

psrpa_setWindow - Set window position and size

Usage: psrpa_setWindow application rpa_object title x_position y_position width height
Set window position and size
    application    "" means "^$", $null means "^.*$"
    title          "" means "^$", $null means "^.*$"
    $application = "notepad"
    $title = "no title - memo pad"
    $x = 10
    $y = 20
    $width = 300
    $height = 400
    psrpa_setWindow $rpa $application $title $x $y $width $height

psrpa_sendKeys - Send keys(string, function, special keys etc)

Usage: psrpa_sendKeys rpa_object string
Send keys(string, function, special keys etc)
    string any-string
           {BS} for backspace
           {DEL} for delete
           {PRTSC} for print screen
           {ENTER} for enter
           {LEFT} for left arrow
           {F1} for F1
           ^a for CTRL-a
           +a for SHIFT-a
           %a for ALT-a
           other keys - search by google :P
    psrpa_sendKeys $rpa "any string"
    psrpa_sendKeys $rpa "{BS}"
    psrpa_sendKeys $rpa "^a"

psrpa_sendKeyEx - Send a key(Both of normal key and extended key are acceptable)

Usage: psrpa_sendKeyEx rpa_object virtual_keycode action isExtended
Send a key(Both of normal key and extended key are acceptable)
    virtual_keycode see
    action "down", "DOWN", "d", "D"
           "up", "UP", "u", "U"
    isExtended $true or $false
    $right_ctrl = 0xa3
    psrpa_sendKeyEx $rpa $right_ctrl "send" $true

psrpa_setClipboard - Set clipboard to string

Usage: psrpa_setClipboard rpa_object string
Set clipboard to string.
    powershell.exe have to be invoked with -sta option.
    psrpa_setClipboard $rpa "any string"

psrpa_getClipboard - Get string from clipboard

Usage: psrpa_getClipboard rpa_object
Get string from clipboard.
    powershell.exe have to be invoked with -sta option.
    $str = psrpa_getClipboard $rpa

psrpa_getBmp - Get image into file(BMP)

Usage: psrpa_getBmp rpa_object left_x top_x right_x bottom_y output.bmp
Get image into file(BMP).
Output file name will be (left_x)_(top_y)_(right_x)_(bottom_y)_output.bmp.
    psrpa_getBmp $rpa 10 10 200 100 "icon.bmp"

psrpa_getBmpByClick - Get image into file(BMP) by click

Usage: psrpa_getBmpByClick rpa_object output.bmp [wait_sec]
Get image into file(BMP) by click.
Output file name will be (left_x)_(top_y)_(right_x)_(bottom_y)_output.bmp.
Mouse cursor is CROSS for pointing (left_x, top_y).
                HAND  for pointing (right_x, bottom_y).
Press any key to terminate.
    wait_sec    default 5
    $wait_sec = 10
    psrpa_getBmpByClick $rpa "icon.bmp" $wait_sec

psrpa_compareBmp - Compare specifoed rectangle and bmpfile

Usage: psrpa_compareBmp rpa_object left_x top_x right_x bottom_y input.bmp
Compare specifoed rectangle and bmpfile.
Return $true when specified rectangle and input.bmp are same.
    $bool = psrpa_compareBmp $rpa 10 10 200 100 "icon.bmp"
    if ($bool){
        write-output "match"
        write-output "not match"

psrpa_isSameBmp - Compare rectangle starts with specified point and bmpfile

Usage: psrpa_isSameBmp rpa_object left top input.bmp
Compare rectangle starts with specified point and bmpfile.
Return $true when same bmp.
    $bool = psrpa_isSameBmp $rpa 10 10 "icon.bmp"
    if ($bool){
        write-output "match"
        write-output "not match"

psrpa_searchBmp - Search bmpfile in screen

Usage: psrpa_searchBmp rpa_object left_x top_x right_x bottom_y input.bmp
Search bmpfile in screen.
Return @(left,top,right,bottom) when bmpfile is found in screen.
    $pos = psrpa_searchBmp $rpa $null $null $null $null "icon.bmp"
    if ($pos[0] -lt 0){
        write-output "not found"
        write-output "found"
        $left = $pos[0]
        $top = $pos[1]
        $right = $pos[2]
        $bottom = $pos[3]

psrpa_searchBmpPosition - Get position of bmpfile in whole screen

Usage: psrpa_searchBmpPosition rpa_object input.bmp
Get position of bmpfile in whole screen.
Return @(left,top,width,height) when bmpfile is found in screen.
    $pos = psrpa_searchBmpPosition $rpa "icon.bmp"
    if ($pos[0] -lt 0){
        write-output "not found"
        write-output "found"
        $left = $pos[0]
        $top = $pos[1]
        $width = $pos[2]
        $height = $pos[3]

psrpa_waitBmp - Wait appearnce of specified bmp

Usage: psrpa_waitBmp rpa_object bmp_file
Wait appearnce of specified bmp.

    psrpa_waitBmp $rpa "icon.bmp"

psrpa_waitBmpVanished - Wait vanishing of specified bmp

Usage: psrpa_waitBmpVanished rpa_object bmp_file
Wait vanishing of specified bmp.

    psrpa_waitBmpVanished $rpa "icon.bmp"

psrpa_clickBmp - Click specified bmp

Usage: psrpa_clickBmp rpa_object bmp_file button click
Click specified bmp.

    psrpa_clickBmp $rpa "icon.bmp" "left" "click"

psrpa_uia_show_element - Show child ui-automation element information in specified elemment

Usage: psrpa_uia_show_element rpa_object element
Show child ui-automation element information in specified elemment.
    element        "" or $null mean root-window
    psrpa_uia_show_element $rpa $element

psrpa_uia_show_element_recursive - Show recursively child ui-automation element information in specified elemment

Usage: psrpa_uia_show_element_recursive rpa_object element
Show recursively child ui-automation element information in specified elemment.
    element        "" or $null mean root-window
    psrpa_uia_show_element_recursive $rpa $element

psrpa_uia_show_element_all - Show all ui-automation element information in specified elemment

Usage: psrpa_uia_show_element_all rpa_object element
Show all ui-automation element information in specified elemment.
    element        "" or $null mean root-window
    psrpa_uia_show_element_all $rpa $element

This is obsolete. Use psrpa_uia_show_element_recursive instead.

psrpa_uia_show - Show all ui-automation element information in root-window

Usage: psrpa_uia_show rpa_object
Show all ui-automation element information in root-window.
    psrpa_uia_show $rpa

This is obsolete. Use psrpa_uia_show_element_recursive instead.

psrpa_uia_get_element - Get child ui-automation element in specfied element

Usage: psrpa_uia_get_element rpa_object parent_element class_name localized_controlname name
Get child ui-automation element.
    parent_element        "" or $null mean root-window
    class_name            "" means "^$", $null means "^.*$"
    $app = psrpa_uia_get_element $rpa $null "Notepad" "ウィンドウ" "無題 - メモ帳"
    $help = psrpa_uia_get_element $rpa $app "" "メニュー項目" "ヘルプ\(H\)"

psrpa_uia_get_element_all - Get all ui-automation element in specfied element

Usage: psrpa_uia_get_element_all rpa_object parent_element class_name localized_controlname name
Get all ui-automation element in specfied element.
    parent_element        "" or $null mean root-window
    class_name            "" means "^$", $null means "^.*$"
    $app = psrpa_uia_get_element_all $rpa $null "Notepad" "ウィンドウ" "無題 - メモ帳"
    $help = psrpa_uia_get_element_all $rpa $app "" "メニュー項目" "ヘルプ\(H\)"

psrpa_uia_get - Get all ui-automation element in root window

Usage: psrpa_uia_get rpa_object parent_element class_name localized_controlname name
Get all ui-automation element in root window.
    class_name            "" means "^$", $null means "^.*$"
    $app = psrpa_uia_get $rpa "Notepad" "ウィンドウ" "無題 - メモ帳"
    $help = psrpa_uia_get $rpa "" "メニュー項目" "ヘルプ\(H\)"

psrpa_uia_getGeometry - Get geometry of ui-automation element(*Pattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGeometry rpa_object element
Get geometry of ui-automation element(*Pattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $geo = psrpa_uia_getGeometry $rpa $elm
    $x = $geo[0]
    $y = $geo[1]
    $width = $geo[2]
    $height = $geo[3]

psrpa_uia_invoke - Invoke ui-automation element(InvokePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_invoke rpa_object element
Invoke ui-automation element(InvokePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_invoke $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_expand - Expand ui-automation element(ExpandCollapsePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_expand rpa_object element
Expand ui-automation element(ExpandCollapsePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_expand $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_close - Close ui-automation element(WindowPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_close rpa_object element
Close ui-automation element(WindowPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_close $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_setValue - Set value into ui-automation element(ValuePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_setValue rpa_object element value
Set value into ui-automation element(ValuePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_setValue $rpa $elm "any-string"

psrpa_uia_getText - Get text from ui-automation element(TextPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getText rpa_object element
Get text from ui-automation element(TextPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $text = psrpa_uia_getText $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_toggle - Toggle ui-automation element(TogglePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_toggle rpa_object element
Toggle ui-automation element(TogglePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_toggle $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_select - Select ui-automation element(SelectionItem)

Usage: psrpa_uia_select rpa_object element
Select ui-automation element(SelectionItem).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_select $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_move - Move ui-automation element(TransformPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_move rpa_object element x y
Move ui-automation element(TransformPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $x = 10
    $y = 20
    psrpa_uia_move $rpa $elm $x $y

psrpa_uia_resize - Resize ui-automation element(TransformPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_resize rpa_object element width height
Resize ui-automation element(TransformPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $width = 100
    $height = 200
    psrpa_uia_resize $rpa $elm $width $height

psrpa_uia_getGridClassName - Get grid classname of ui-automation element(GridPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridClassName rpa_object element row col
Get grid classname of ui-automation element(GridPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $row = 0
    $col = 0
    $classname = psrpa_uia_getGridClassName $rpa $elm $row $col

psrpa_uia_getGridControlType - Get grid controltype of ui-automation element(GridPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridControlType rpa_object element row col
Get grid controltype of ui-automation element(GridPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $row = 0
    $col = 0
    $controltype = psrpa_uia_getGridControlType $rpa $elm $row $col

psrpa_uia_getGridName - Get grid name of ui-automation element(GridPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridName rpa_object element row col
Get grid name of ui-automation element(GridPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $row = 0
    $col = 0
    $name = psrpa_uia_getGridName $rpa $elm $row $col

psrpa_uia_getGridColumn - Get grid colmun of ui-automation element(GridPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridColumn rpa_object element
Get grid column of ui-automation element(GridPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $col = psrpa_uia_getGridColumn $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getGridRow - Get grid row of ui-automation element(GridPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridRow rpa_object element
Get grid row of ui-automation element(GridPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $row = psrpa_uia_getGridRow $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getGridItemColumn - Get griditem column of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridItemColumn rpa_object element
Get griditem column of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $column = psrpa_uia_getGridItemColumn $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getGridItemColumnSpan - Get griditem column span of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridItemColumnSpan rpa_object element
Get griditem column span of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $columnspan = psrpa_uia_getGridItemColumnSpan $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getGridItemRow - Get griditem row of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridItemRow rpa_object element
Get griditem row of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $row = psrpa_uia_getGridItemRow $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getGridItemRowSpan - Get griditem row span of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getGridItemRowSpan rpa_object element
Get griditem row span of ui-automation element(GridItemPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $rowspan = psrpa_uia_getGridItemRowSpan $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_setRangeValue - Set RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_setRangeValue rpa_object element value
Set RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_setRangeValue $rpa $elm 10

psrpa_uia_getRangeValue - Get RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getRangeValue rpa_object element
Get RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $value = psrpa_uia_getRangeValue $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getRangeValueMax - Get Maximum RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getRangeValueMax rpa_object element
Get Maximum RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $max = psrpa_uia_getRangeValueMax $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getRangeValueMin - Get Minimum RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getRangeValueMin rpa_object element
Get Minimum RangeValue of ui-automation element(RangeValuePattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $min = psrpa_uia_getRangeValueMin $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_setScroll - Set Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_setScroll rpa_object element horizontal_percent vertical_percent
Set Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_setScroll $rpa $elm 10 100

psrpa_uia_getScroll - Get Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getScroll rpa_object element
Get Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $scroll = psrpa_uia_getScroll $rpa $elm
    $scroll_horizontal = $scroll[0]
    $scroll_vertical = $scroll[1]

psrpa_uia_getScrollHview - Get Horizontal view size(%) of Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getScrollHview rpa_object element
Get Horizontal view size(%) of Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $horizontal_view_percent = psrpa_uia_getScrollHview $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_getScrollVview - Get Vertical view size(%) of Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_getScrollVview rpa_object element
Get Vertical view size(%) of Scroll of ui-automation element(ScrollPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $vertical_view_percent = psrpa_uia_getScrollVview $rpa $elm

psrpa_uia_transformMove - Move ui-automation element(TransformPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_transformMove rpa_object element x y
Move ui-automation element(TransformPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_transformMove $rpa $elm 10 20

psrpa_uia_transformResize - Resize ui-automation element(TransformPattern)

Usage: psrpa_uia_transformResize rpa_object element width height
Resize ui-automation element(TransformPattern).
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    psrpa_uia_transformResize $rpa $elm 100 200

psrpa_uia_getPattern - Get pattern from ui-automation element

Usage: psrpa_uia_getPattern rpa_object element pattern
Get pattern from ui-automation element.
    pattern "Invoke"
    $elm = psrpa_uia_get ...snip...
    $pattern = psrpa_uia_getPattern $rpa $elm "Invoke"


tools4powershell is a collection of some useful functions for powershell







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