Welcome to the Xyte a React group video call application! This project utilizes Socket.io and Simple-Peer npm libraries to enable a range of collaborative features for online meetings. Please note that this application is a student course project, so expect some bugs.
1-Many Video Chat: Supports multiple participants in a video call, though performance may degrade after 4 users in a meeting.
Socket.io Rooms: Allows simultaneous meetings by creating different rooms using Socket.io.
Audio and Video Streams Sharing: Toggle audio and video streams on and off during the meeting.
Screen Sharing: Share your screen with other participants.
Text Messages: Communicate with participants through text messages.
File Sharing: Send files to other participants.
Sound Effects: Play sound effects for other participants.
Participant List: View the list of participants in the meeting.
Follow these steps to run the application on your local machine:
Clone the Repository: Download the repository from GitHub.
Backend Setup: Open a terminal, navigate to the "Backend" directory, and run: cd Backend npm i
Frontend Setup: Open another terminal, navigate to the "Frontend" directory, and run: cd Frontend npm i
Start the Server:
- In the "Backend" directory, run: npm start This starts the server at port 3001.
Start the React Development Server:
- In the "Frontend" directory, run: npm start This starts the React development server at port 3000.
Join the Meeting:
- Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:3000.
- Enter the room code and username to join the meeting.
- Open another tab, go to http://localhost:3000, and enter with a different username but the same room code.
- Both users will get connected, and you can enjoy the meeting.
Add More Users:
- To add more users, open new tabs and enter with different names.
- This is a student course project, so expect bugs.
- If the remote user's video does not connect, try leaving and rejoining the meeting.
- The meeting is not encrypted, so do not share any critical information.