Ready to deploy your shop.
.Net 6
SQL Server
- Download And install SQL Server 2022 with named instance Shop 1-2. Install SSMS 1-3. Create dev user with admin123 password (Guide)
1-4. Grant dbcreator role to dev user.
Install .Net 6
Install Ef Core Tools
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Clone project
git clone
- Create a migration
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
- Apply migration to database
dotnet ef database update
- Run Project
dotnet run
- Change
Issuer And Audience for your host url
- Add Migrations
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --project .\Infrastructure\ --startup-project .\API --context UserDbContext
- Remove Migrations:
dotnet ef migrations remove --force --project .\Infrastructure\ --startup-project .\API\ --context UserDbContext
- Apply Migrations:
dotnet ef database update --project .\Infrastructure\ --startup-project .\API\ --context UserDbContext
- Drop Database
dotnet ef database drop --project .\Infrastructure\ -s .\API\ --context UserDbContext