This repo is heavily influenced by other dotfiles repositories on github. It has several main parts to it:
curl | bash
Contains my bash configurations, without my bash aliases
Contains my bash aliases. It is sourced within .bashrc
Contains my vim configurations. As of now there is an issue with switching
tabs and keeping the file tree and tagbar panes in place
Contains my tmux configurations. It is stable, and well commented, so using it
shouldn't be an issue.
This also installs my teamocil configuration files.
This script installs and configures my dotfiles. It is originally from
It has been slightly modified for my use
VIM: E1312: Not allowed to change the window layout in this autocmd
This is caused because you cannot control windows from an autocmd in Vim
There is a fix that need to be made to each of the following plugins. Note, the timing is changeable, but the following order needs to be preserved:
- Close Tagbar pane
- Close NerdTree pane
- Resize NerdTree
- Return to original pane
- Move right to main pane
- Move right to tagbar pane
- Resize tagbar pane
- Move back to main pane
Nerd Tree Tabs
fun! s:CloseIfOnlyNerdTreeLeft()
if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") && bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) != -1 && winnr("$") == 1
" Vim forbids closing the window inside an autocommand
" Ref:
" So let's do it afterwards. Solution came from @mattmartini
" Ref:
call timer_start(20, {-> execute('q', 'silent!') }) " close buffer after we exit autocmd
"call timer_start(45, {-> execute('wincmd l', 'silent!') }) " shift focus from NerdTree window to buffer window
call timer_start(50, {-> execute('vertical resize 25', 'silent!') }) " window sizing is goofed up, so fix it
call timer_start(100, {-> execute('wincmd w', 'silent!') }) " shift focus from NerdTree window to buffer window
" s:HandleOnlyWindow() {{{2
function! s:HandleOnlyWindow() abort
let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr(s:TagbarBufName())
if tagbarwinnr == -1
let vim_quitting = s:vim_quitting
let s:vim_quitting = 0
let file_open = s:HasOpenFileWindows()
if vim_quitting && file_open == 2 && !g:tagbar_autoclose_netrw
call tagbar#debug#log('Closing Tagbar due to QuitPre - netrw only remaining window')
" call s:CloseWindow()
call timer_start(10, {-> execute('q', 'silent!') }) " close buffer after we exit autocmd"
call timer_start(195, {-> execute('wincmd l', 'silent!') }) " shift focus from NerdTree window to buffer window
call timer_start(197, {-> execute('wincmd l', 'silent!') }) " shift focus from NerdTree window to buffer window
call timer_start(200, {-> execute('vertical resize 25', 'silent!') }) " window sizing is goofed up, so fix it
call timer_start(250, {-> execute('wincmd h', 'silent!') }) " shift focus from NerdTree window to buffer window