This is a fork of the ExactLearner repository.
Here you can find the source code and results for the paper "Actively Learning Ontologies from LLMs: First Results" for DL 2024.
A reference to the paper will be put here as soon as available.
In src/main/java/org/experiments there are:
- two configuration files: axiomsQueryingConf.yml (for experiments 1 and 2 of the paper) and classesQueryngConf.yml (for experiment 3 of the paper). In these files you can define which LLMs and Ontologies to use, as well as the system prompt (Answer with True or False.) and the maximum number of tokens (2).
- the main class Launch. You need to pass as the only argument of the program the configuration file of the experiment you want to perform.
Note that we use OpenAI API, if you want to do the same set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY with your own key:
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_key
Also, you may need to change the url for connecting with the LLMs (Ollama API) on our server in Cesena if you are not access to it (only collaborators of the University of Bologna can ask for access). Just go to src/main/java/org/exactlearner/OllamaBridge and change at line 9 with your own server address.
Results are stored in the cache folder (delete the files in the cache if you want to run new fresh experiments).
Once you have gathered the responses from the LLMs in the cache folder you can run in src/main/java/org/analysis the two main classes AxiomsAnalyser (experiments 1 and 2 of the paper) and ClassesAnalyser (experiment 3 of the paper). Both programs need to receive as argument a configuration file like in the other main.
Results are saved inside the results folder.
There are 3 python scripts to generate Latex tables (the ones in the paper), and The scripts are tailored with the current configuration files. You may want to modify them accordingly if you use different configuration files.